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Tuesday 19 November 2013

Read it you will know what it is about

I hope some of you know, I am not able to accept anyone right now, I am really to use such rude word to reject you...  At the same time, I guess the people who concern about me will have some reading on my blog and I hope you will read this post until the end.
I guess if you guys concern about me, you will know what stage and what kind of situation I met now and I know you all care for me. Yes, I did replied you all but it is not mean that I got feeling, you all just caring me , not love..... I really cant do anything but reject... If you read my previous post, I told you all LOVE is PERMANENT.... YES, PERMENANT..... I cant take you guys as a replacement.. I know you will say you dont mind to become the replacement, but really sorry, I dont want any people around me met the most painful thing in this word, LOVE PAIN..... And I am sure you are not love me, just LIKE....

The only thing I can say to the people who trying to do anything to me
" If you want to LOVE me, You need to hunt me in my own DARKNESS SIDE; Remeber you will get HURT before you found me,  you still need to OPEN the chain that locked my hear even you FOUND me, BUT even you success did all this mission, Remember, the scar made by the chain will never LOST , it is PERMANENT'

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