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Sunday 3 November 2013

Believe yourself

      From what I heard since I was young until now,19years old, I had heard a lot of stories through my friends before.... All of the stories is based on the individual experiences. For example, I met a friend before, he is a tough guy and everyone around him know he is a tough guy but non of the people expect that actually he is the person who need care. One day , he told me he need someone to talk, and he told me some of his story and at the end he told me that he wants to suicide. I was surprise. He said that no one believe him, look at what he did no matter how good he did, no one respect him and more..... After that, I asked him one question and this question changed his minded....

 " Did you trust yourself?"

    All of us expect other's to trust us, to believe us, , but before you want other's to respect,to believe, to trust you, did you ever believe yourself? How can other's people trust or believe you if yourself dont even believe yourself? We need to have a strong perseverance and confident when we mentioned about our point of views or our ideas. If you give up your ideas your dream just because of some stabs from others, that is not a good ideas and dream because you, yourself don't even believe it is good. We must know something in our life

"we born to be satisfy ourself , not others"
    Yes, we born to satisfy ourself but not to be selfish. Different people will have different though in depends on their culture, background, experiences.. There is a word in Mandarin "一种米养百种人“ it means that one bean will produce hundred types of different people. We should not expect everyone will agreed our idea because no matter how good you are, there are someone who not satisfy your ideas. We should not ignore them but thanks them because they are the people who make us become stronger and stronger, they are the person who motivate us to the higher levels, BUT if you give up everything after their ambushing talking, that is not you anymore because you will only follow behind them.

  I met a good people before this, I love music and I love to sing very much, but I always lost my confident everytime when someone tease me because me myself dont even know wether my voice is nice or not nice.... One day, got a uncle tells me, sing out your voice and your style, dont be afraid, what are you afraid of?? I dont know what to answer him.... And then he ask me " do you like your voice?" I said " ok ok lor" then he scolded me " HOW OTHERS GOING TO LOVE YOUR VOICE IF YOU DONT EVEN LOVE YOUR VOICE?!"

   Yes my friend, as you can see, nowadays in your school, your university, your workplace, how many people will speak out their ideas? Most of the people will choose to be silent and follow the higher level people ideas even they know there are some better ideas from them because they are afraid of getting tease or laught by others. STAND UP and SHARE your ideas and view of points my friends! Let the world know your dream! your Ideas! dont afraid being laugh because at least you have your own AIM in your life even it is a ridiculous dream... At least you believe yourself ..... KEEPMOVING!!!

    It is not about voice or love or dream.... No matter what we do, we must believe ourself, because we must know we are special thats why our ideas is different with others

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