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Sunday 10 November 2013

"My Words for all of the couples and the single"

             Love is a mystery thing. Who can define a love? A person who never fall in love have no right to define it because you will never know the true meaning of Love. Mostly, we will went through "like" before we going to "love", but who knows how to differentiate likes and love? Nowadays, a lot of people in relationship, but did they really love each other??? Many people will in  relationship because they feel the "someone" might able to help him/her at that moment, or maybe in the correct timing he/her had came out in front of he/her at the moment when he/her needs someone to talk. I guess for the people who have in true love relationship before will pass through several stages of love
1. sweet stage
This is the first stage of love which both of the parties might very active to meet each other, most of the time, they will not angry whatever their partner did. They will try to show their best part before they in a relationship.

2.Fighting Stage
This is the second stage of love which both of the parties might have conflicts with each other because of ideas not same, the bad habit shows since time prove everything. But, they still will take care of each other.

3.Ice stage
This is the third stage of love which both parties start to feel anything of their partner did is annoying and disturbing which like how teenagers nowadays treats their parents. They started to not appreciate each other because they take the caring as a MUST because they already use to it the caring or loving given by their partner

      After the third stages, they will become complicated stage because it will decide whether the relationship continue or end......

    My friends, I am not a successful person in relationship.... But, my friends, please appreciate what you have now, if you are in a relationship, appreciate him/her because you will regret someday ..... Love is miracle, if you love a person, you will willing to do anything for him/her but make sure you show your changing obviously. Many of my friends asked me one question

" should I break with my bf? Should I break with my gf?"

    The first question I will ask them back is, why? Some of them said that because their friends asked him/her to do so. Some of them said that they found a better one. Some of them said they feel they have no feeling to each other already. Some of them say distance problem....   Hey my friends, if you really love the person, you will never want to break up with him/her, appreciate him/her. Yes, you might be found a better one, but how you can make sure he is better??? You may start to feel no feeling, but did ever remember what you all passed through together??? If you say distance, so how if next time he/she needs to work oversea after you married?    Love can be easy and it depends how you look at it. Please ready before you in a relationship, dont in a relationship because you want to in relationship. Please give each other trust when you are in a relationship. We must know, every steps he/she did have their own reasons, why dont you give them chance to change? Why dont you give them chance to explain? Share your problems to your partner because it will improve the relationship between you and her or you and him....

      In the conclusion, for my opinion,  love is forever, like is temporally. I will not agree the people who said they have totally forget their EX , for me,  I love ONCE.... I like alots..... But just once... i love.... and I didt do well and we break up....... I dont think she will totally lost in my heart but at least there is a space for her forever.... Even we break up, i still hope she will be fine...This is how I define love, love is forever no matter what happens.... I dont wish any of my friends will hurt because of love any more so please appreciate your partner now, grab his/her hand now and give him/her a hug... Love can be simple^^ good luck my friend....

you may email me anything you like and i will give you a suggestion.
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