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Saturday 6 December 2014


Hi again to my followers,
This post will be the part 2 of my food adventure at AVENUE K,
You may go to if you missed out the part 1, Maison Delight Chocolatier

The Part 2 of my Food Adventure Avenue K will be discuss about another strongly recommended shop  which is " TSUKEMEN & Izakaya Ie Yasu"   (The shop name is quite long, hahaha)

There are few reasons that I strongly recommended this shop to all of you:
1. Comfortable and Relaxing
2. Good and Friendly service provided
3. Good Environment
4. Delicious food
5. Reasonable Price

Before I continue discuss about this shop, I would like to tell you that this shop is a "NON HALAL" shop.Sorry if this post offended to the people who is taking Halal's Food....(dont worry, I will recommend Halal's shop too next time^.^)

Let me show you some photos about the shop^^

This is how it looks alike. As you can see, the shop is clean. For the non-smoker, you will not need worry about the smoker because "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" Did provide a smoking area for the smokers as you can see from the first photo. The smoker can smokes at there and have their meal at the same time.

So after looking at the relaxing environment, I feel so excited because I am wondering how does the food of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" taste like?

I feel hungry and want to order everything inside the list when I look at the menu because all the food looks nice. At the end, I asked the employees of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" to recommend any food. and then...... here is the food!!!

This is one of the food that they recommended, it call "Dipling noodle" 
I guess one of the reason that they recommend this to me is because It really special and by having this "dipling noodle", they provided 5 types of different sauces for me to try:
1. Soy sauces (left top)
2. Miso (right top)
3. Sesami (left bottom)
4. Tomato& cheese(right btm)
5. Jaapanese curry ( right hand side one)

Every sauces have their own unique, for my personal recommendation, I feel "Sesami Sauces" is the best among the five sauces

Do you realize there is a rice ball ?? That one is the dish that you should eat after you finish your noodle (told by the worker)

Then I also order some other nice food:
1. Salmon Shashimi
2. Grilled fish of Mackerel
3.White Tuna Sashimi

Haha, feeling hungry right now? Dont hesitate, go to Avenue K, top floor. You will found this shop!!! "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"

Enough for photo^^ Below is some details of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" . Read it if you are interested to know more instead of looking at the photo^^

Some Details OF "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"

From the menu of ""Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" . It stated that their Genuie Tsuken-Men (noodle) is 100% using high quality flour and I believe it is a true statement after I tried it because the noodle of it really taste different compare with the noodle from outside.

Before this, we need to go to TOKYO in order to try this Genuie Tsuken-Men, but now, guess what, it is in Malaysia! You can taste the wonderful noodle without going to TOKYO!!!! At AVENUE K!!

Some extra story while I having meals at "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"
This is the Menu of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"

My girlfriend taking photo with all the waiters!! They are extremely friendly

Hahaha I am trying to take "profesional photo"!! hhahaha hope you guys enjoy it!!!

People say writting blog is an easy task. But for me, I think even it is easy, I need to put effort on it in order to make sure my followers enjoy reading myblog, thats why I record everything in a small note before I start to enjoy!
So please stay focus on my blog! hahaha I will continue writting^^

To contact "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"


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