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Monday 11 November 2013


     Tell me, what is your perception toward prostitute? Mostly, people will have some prejudgement for the people who work as prostitute. But for me, I will not think so. Why? I do not think so but it is not mean that I agree for what they do. The MOST important thing we must know in our life is, DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS IF WE NEVER PASS THROUGH WHAT THEY HAD PASSED THROUGH. Before you complain or judge a prostitute, did you ever think why you judge them as a bad person? Why? Let me give you several answers, the main factor people will judge something before they study it is based on:

1. Friend influence
They only listen to what he/her friends said to them but they never really think about it
2.Society influence
Once most of the people disagree for a certain things, the thing will become a wrong action, once most of the people agree for a certain things, the thing will become right action EVEN IT IS A WRONG ACTION.

   Prostitute is a job too, they are human too. They have the right to receive respect from anyone . They are just doing a thing that not much people willing to do. Yes, they might have sex with others, but why having sex is a sin? Human did have desire, different people have different kind of though, feeling, attitude, we should not expect everyone actions. attitude to be same with us. Maybe this is one of his/her hobby? Everyone does their own hobby. Some people might love to smoke, some people might love to play games, some people might love to study........ Why cant they love to sex? I know it sounds wrong but why cant? They do what they like, at least they work what they like. Sometimes, I feel we human is living inside a invisible cage. We live in a cage that we must do what we had learnt. We did not been force to do what we had learn, but we had been shaped to do what we had learnt. At the beginning, we might have our own dream, own though, but how many people had become what other's expect them to become?? 

  We should think before we make any judgement on everything, we must have out own thought. Why we need to expel our own though and follow other's though?? Why? Is their though is the best?? Is their though is correct? If correct, why it is correct? Did you ever think that before???? 

  In this post, i take prostitute as an example.... Did you spend your money and time on smoke? How many people dislike the smoker smokes? Did you spend your money in your game? How many think that the people who spend money in game is idiot? Did you spend money for your shirt? How many people think that the people who spend money on shirt is a waste??? What I am trying to bring out in this post is, every people have different habit and attitude. A gamer might spend their money on game but not shirt, a fashion guy might spend their money on shirt but not game, a smoker might spend their money on smoke but not game. It is depends on who you are.


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