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Saturday 30 November 2013







我累了,我后悔了,我反思了。。。。。但是 我真的真的很后悔



选择对的时间做出对的事情, 记得不要做自己后悔的事情。。。

Friday 29 November 2013


I will use Mandarin to write this post because one of my reader request me to write some post with Mandarin. And sorry for stop posting new post^^



很多时候,我做的东西都不能让人理解,而且往往我不会表示出自己做一件事情的真真目的,就算是自己人。。。 而我这个坏习惯害了我自己,我为了掩饰我偷偷做的好事情说了一个又一个的谎言,好的事情到最后变到坏的事情。。。 比如,我关心一个人,我为他做的事情我不知道怎么让他知道,也不会让她知道,往往到最后这些都变成了误会,同时变成了坏人。。。

这一段时间我想了又想, 自己错了吗? 我只是不会表达我自己的心意。。。



Tuesday 19 November 2013

Read it you will know what it is about

I hope some of you know, I am not able to accept anyone right now, I am really to use such rude word to reject you...  At the same time, I guess the people who concern about me will have some reading on my blog and I hope you will read this post until the end.
I guess if you guys concern about me, you will know what stage and what kind of situation I met now and I know you all care for me. Yes, I did replied you all but it is not mean that I got feeling, you all just caring me , not love..... I really cant do anything but reject... If you read my previous post, I told you all LOVE is PERMANENT.... YES, PERMENANT..... I cant take you guys as a replacement.. I know you will say you dont mind to become the replacement, but really sorry, I dont want any people around me met the most painful thing in this word, LOVE PAIN..... And I am sure you are not love me, just LIKE....

The only thing I can say to the people who trying to do anything to me
" If you want to LOVE me, You need to hunt me in my own DARKNESS SIDE; Remeber you will get HURT before you found me,  you still need to OPEN the chain that locked my hear even you FOUND me, BUT even you success did all this mission, Remember, the scar made by the chain will never LOST , it is PERMANENT'

Monday 18 November 2013

A story of a plate

I guess most of us read this story before....

Now, take a plate on your hand and drop it.....

What will happen??? Can you fixed it after you break it? No you never, even you fixed, it still wont become 100%same with the original form.
As you can see this plate is broken, how you going to fixed it to original form?

Yes, this story tell us that not to hurt people because there will be a permenant scar that will not lost forever once it is hurted.

But why? I mean did anyone think before the story behind this story?
Who drop the plate? Why he wants to drop the plate?

First, we must know how to plate made, the plate origin form is sand( I guess) so who made a plate? Who made a tiny sand to become a plate??? Yes, there will be a person who made it, but why the people want to break it??? Do you think he purposely? He wants to do so?...... or there are some REASON?......... You imagine when you drop a plate, what will happen? The plate will break and the broken pieces of the plate might hurts you, who wish to hurt themself??? No one, there are some reason people want to do so or accidently.

So it is same with our life, we might accidently hurt others, and did we wish to do??  WE must know something, sometimes we might become the victim( the person who get hurts which like the paltes) but we might not know there are some hidden story of why the person hurt you. Yes, it might have some people that purposely want to hurt you but NOT EVERYONE, especially the person who CARE,LOVE you....

My friends, think twice before you hurt people, think twice before people hurt you, most of the time, there are some reasons on certain thing happened.....

You may inbox me if you have any problems or if you think my blog need to improve
will reply you as soon as possible^^

Friday 15 November 2013

LOVE change to HATE?

 How many people in a relationship before? What is puppy love? What is true love?  

Everyone will have different kind of feeling and all of us wish to have a permanent love in our life.... But are you READY for it?

From what I heard so far, i heard some of my friends share their story about their relationship. I am the full observers for some relationship of my friends which I look at them since they are friend , and become couple and have conflict and break up.....

Most of the people choose to hate their EX when they break up. I also dont know whether it is correct decision or wrong decision because I am not the one who faced what they had faced..

But, my viewpoint is different since I have a really true love relationship, and i am sure it is a true love relationship. 100% true love. 

Yes, I did doubt myself too, whether should I hate her? But I know I cant, some of the people say i am idiot, but i dont think so because I know i love her... What is love? I not sure, and I dont know how to describe it... but I know, love is permanent, no matter what happen love is permanent, you will still love the person you love if you love him/her before....

as the above photo showed,
"you will never stop loving someone, it is either you never did or you always will"

I strongly agree because I cant hate her even i tried to force myself to........ So this is my definition of love.... Love is permanent

Feel free to email me if you have any problems or anything to ask me,
You can also email me if you wish me to write anything or any improvement for my blog
your information will be P&C

Wednesday 13 November 2013

#1 request from my readers (write something about my personal experienced)

      Let go back to the recent thing that just happen to me... This is the story that about my first true love relationship..... Actually this is the topic I do not wish to talk the most...

     Let go straight to the broken stage of this relationship..... Yup, broken stage, she broke up with me because I am not a good boy for her.... The most berserk stage is on the first week, my mind was crazy...... I even not sure whether what am I thinking that week, my mind full of question marks..... How do I pass through all those day?? My answer is Sleep+sleep+sleep.... I will sleep and sleep and sleep... I had no choice because this is the only way to let me not to think anything..... But it is not a easy thing to avoid.... Do you know? When you love a person... the person will be everywhere, any time... even in your dreams...... I dream she came back to me.... I dreamed she left me and I shout her name.... That was crazy weeks....I also dont know how to describe that week because it was the most horrible week i ever have..... I dont know who to talk to, I dont know what to do... At the end, I cried badly and I messaged with my mom..... My mom was surprised because I never talk to her about my personal life before. Before this, I will try to be tough even when I met challenges or any hardships because I dont wish my parents will worry about me. I prefer to act as a rebel child in front my parents because i do not know how to show my caring to the person i care.

    I remember my parents bring me to Cameron Highland that following week. My parents do not know what happen but they know something happen on me because I am silent for the whole trip, I eat a little.... I cant smile or laught, i dont talk....... Before this, I will at least wear a MASK in front of my parents even if i am sad but I dont know why I cant even wear a fucking mask on my face that following weeks, i guess is month.... I cried alot of times in the toilet while i bath because i dont want my parents know about it.... Is weird, because i felt she is around when I went to Cameron highland because I remembered before 2~1 weeks she broke up with me, she went to Cameron Highland too..... Hahaha, actually I though all this illusion will only happen in drama but now i understand the feeling..... My parents know I am acting tough and they sent message to comfort me too which caused me cried again.... I feel guilty, really guilty because I make them worried. 

   After that weeks, I forced myself to do things, try to make myself busy in order to not to think about her, but it does not work, I will remember every single thing about her no matter what I do, when I eat, when i watch television, when I do assignment, I will also remember her if i saw any little that can related to me and her..... really little thing..... haiz.... A lot of my friends asked me what happen on me because they read through my face, i dont know why... Maybe the main reason is because i never have a unhappy face in front of them before, i tried to smile at them talk as usual but they told me i am different.Until now, at least i can wear a mask on my face already......

   From the day she broke up with me, I met alot of things, but I choose to be silent in order to avoid misunderstanding. Some people scold me, some people hate me, some people look down me, some people fuck me, some people comfort me , some people guess the story themself because I didt tell them anything when they asked, but I will tell all of you now, the reason is because I not good enough..... 

   My friends asked me to leave the world.... Yes I can leave, but i am not willing to...... I am not acting as a hero or infatuation but there are some reasons you guys will never what  a Love is. The reason I highlight the a is because one of the reader told me that i should not use a infront of love. BUt, why I use? because A love mean 1 love..... Love=1 likes=infinity as i mentioned before.... If you truly love a person, it will inside your heart forever, if you take he/she as an enemy after u break up, it is not love..... I do not hate her, I wish i can protect her from far..... just because a simple term... I love her.....

Guys..... Appreciate your partner~ I wish you guys have a good relationship^^
(Please dont ask me further question about this) Thanks.... I will not talk about this anymore

you may email me anything you like and i will give you a suggestion.
your informationw willl be in P&C

Monday 11 November 2013


     Tell me, what is your perception toward prostitute? Mostly, people will have some prejudgement for the people who work as prostitute. But for me, I will not think so. Why? I do not think so but it is not mean that I agree for what they do. The MOST important thing we must know in our life is, DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS IF WE NEVER PASS THROUGH WHAT THEY HAD PASSED THROUGH. Before you complain or judge a prostitute, did you ever think why you judge them as a bad person? Why? Let me give you several answers, the main factor people will judge something before they study it is based on:

1. Friend influence
They only listen to what he/her friends said to them but they never really think about it
2.Society influence
Once most of the people disagree for a certain things, the thing will become a wrong action, once most of the people agree for a certain things, the thing will become right action EVEN IT IS A WRONG ACTION.

   Prostitute is a job too, they are human too. They have the right to receive respect from anyone . They are just doing a thing that not much people willing to do. Yes, they might have sex with others, but why having sex is a sin? Human did have desire, different people have different kind of though, feeling, attitude, we should not expect everyone actions. attitude to be same with us. Maybe this is one of his/her hobby? Everyone does their own hobby. Some people might love to smoke, some people might love to play games, some people might love to study........ Why cant they love to sex? I know it sounds wrong but why cant? They do what they like, at least they work what they like. Sometimes, I feel we human is living inside a invisible cage. We live in a cage that we must do what we had learnt. We did not been force to do what we had learn, but we had been shaped to do what we had learnt. At the beginning, we might have our own dream, own though, but how many people had become what other's expect them to become?? 

  We should think before we make any judgement on everything, we must have out own thought. Why we need to expel our own though and follow other's though?? Why? Is their though is the best?? Is their though is correct? If correct, why it is correct? Did you ever think that before???? 

  In this post, i take prostitute as an example.... Did you spend your money and time on smoke? How many people dislike the smoker smokes? Did you spend your money in your game? How many think that the people who spend money in game is idiot? Did you spend money for your shirt? How many people think that the people who spend money on shirt is a waste??? What I am trying to bring out in this post is, every people have different habit and attitude. A gamer might spend their money on game but not shirt, a fashion guy might spend their money on shirt but not game, a smoker might spend their money on smoke but not game. It is depends on who you are.


My Own Music Cover, Suscribe and share>.<


Sunday 10 November 2013

"My Words for all of the couples and the single"

             Love is a mystery thing. Who can define a love? A person who never fall in love have no right to define it because you will never know the true meaning of Love. Mostly, we will went through "like" before we going to "love", but who knows how to differentiate likes and love? Nowadays, a lot of people in relationship, but did they really love each other??? Many people will in  relationship because they feel the "someone" might able to help him/her at that moment, or maybe in the correct timing he/her had came out in front of he/her at the moment when he/her needs someone to talk. I guess for the people who have in true love relationship before will pass through several stages of love
1. sweet stage
This is the first stage of love which both of the parties might very active to meet each other, most of the time, they will not angry whatever their partner did. They will try to show their best part before they in a relationship.

2.Fighting Stage
This is the second stage of love which both of the parties might have conflicts with each other because of ideas not same, the bad habit shows since time prove everything. But, they still will take care of each other.

3.Ice stage
This is the third stage of love which both parties start to feel anything of their partner did is annoying and disturbing which like how teenagers nowadays treats their parents. They started to not appreciate each other because they take the caring as a MUST because they already use to it the caring or loving given by their partner

      After the third stages, they will become complicated stage because it will decide whether the relationship continue or end......

    My friends, I am not a successful person in relationship.... But, my friends, please appreciate what you have now, if you are in a relationship, appreciate him/her because you will regret someday ..... Love is miracle, if you love a person, you will willing to do anything for him/her but make sure you show your changing obviously. Many of my friends asked me one question

" should I break with my bf? Should I break with my gf?"

    The first question I will ask them back is, why? Some of them said that because their friends asked him/her to do so. Some of them said that they found a better one. Some of them said they feel they have no feeling to each other already. Some of them say distance problem....   Hey my friends, if you really love the person, you will never want to break up with him/her, appreciate him/her. Yes, you might be found a better one, but how you can make sure he is better??? You may start to feel no feeling, but did ever remember what you all passed through together??? If you say distance, so how if next time he/she needs to work oversea after you married?    Love can be easy and it depends how you look at it. Please ready before you in a relationship, dont in a relationship because you want to in relationship. Please give each other trust when you are in a relationship. We must know, every steps he/she did have their own reasons, why dont you give them chance to change? Why dont you give them chance to explain? Share your problems to your partner because it will improve the relationship between you and her or you and him....

      In the conclusion, for my opinion,  love is forever, like is temporally. I will not agree the people who said they have totally forget their EX , for me,  I love ONCE.... I like alots..... But just once... i love.... and I didt do well and we break up....... I dont think she will totally lost in my heart but at least there is a space for her forever.... Even we break up, i still hope she will be fine...This is how I define love, love is forever no matter what happens.... I dont wish any of my friends will hurt because of love any more so please appreciate your partner now, grab his/her hand now and give him/her a hug... Love can be simple^^ good luck my friend....

you may email me anything you like and i will give you a suggestion.
your informationw willl be in P&C

Saturday 9 November 2013

Phone controlled Human or Human controlled Phone?

This photo is meaningful. It is easy to understand and most of the people is facing the same problem. Nowadays, it is known as a modern technology centuries, but it is a good signal or bad signal? Literally, it is a good sign because it shows humans are getting smarter and smarter, human creates a lot of technology which help them to simplify their job. Human creates mobile phone which allow them to communicate with each other around the world which we cant do before this. Human creates aeroplane which allow human "FLY" on the sky. Human creates cars which help them to reach a destination with high speed. Today I will focus on the most HOTTEST technology( i guess), Mobile phone.

I guess 80% of the people that above 10 years old has their own mobile phone nowadays. It is a good things? For my opinion, it is depends how to user use the phone. The first thing I would like to focus on is

"Phone Controlled Human or Human Controlled Phone?"

From the photo above, we can see that the drawer wants to bring out something to the society. In the photo, it shows that the mobile phone is linked with our body, it is like the phone had connected with our nerve which look like it becomes an organ of our human body. What does it means??? I guess the drawer is trying to bring out that we spend too much time on our mobile phone. Last week, my friend invited me for dinner and I accepted, While we were chit chatting with each other, I saw something that can prove that this photo is true... A gang of friends, 5 people (if not mistaken)  sit on the same were playing with their phone.... I was like LOL. What for they come out if they just want to play with their mobile phone??? After 30minutes, it become 6 person but the result still the same. I was thinking, why??? We can play with our mobile phone at home since there is a thing call internet which allow people to play game together.... 

At that moment, it reminds me alot of thing that I did before, we play with erasers battle, paper plane, crystal ball, pokemon card and more which most of the teenager had replaced it with mobile phone. Sometimes, i feel the technology is too modern which caused alot of people addicted to the technology. Why is addicted? It is like you taking a drug , at the beginning we have a phone , at that moment we controlled phone but once we rely too much on the technology it will revert the origin situation.... It becomes phone controlled us. Alot of people will say no wifi no life, no phone no life, but how the people survive without wifi before this?????

My friends, look around you, stop looking down always to your phone, stop pressing your phone when you are free, look around you because you might finds some new things that are more interesting than your mobile phone apps. Stop let the phone control because we are human! We are their creator!

Thursday 7 November 2013

Did you ever think you are the unlucky one??

       Did you ever feel yourself are the unlucky one? Did you ever feel yourself useless? Did you ever feel to do something stupid in order to get someone attention? Did you ever think......... who are you???

     Ya, as I said before, everyone have different background and everyone have their own life story. Did all of the life of the main character goes well every time???

    Let take one of the story I heard recently, (Buggyface) just a nickname because i will not share their real name out. She is a girl that are happy always in front of others, if you ask any of her friends about her, they will only say she is a very cheerful person but who knows the story behind her? Me, Kelvin Teo knows. I dont know it is real anot but I felt I have sixth sense which always allow me to read other people past and that is the reason why most of my friend share their secret with me. Most of the time I can tell them their real side which known as their hidden side. Ok let go back to our main character Buggyface, she chat with me in facebook recently and I asked her some questions. She was surprised because she never expected anyone able to explore the hidden part inside her heart especially me because we are friend but we not really talk to each other much before. From what she told me, actually there are some reasons she choose to be happy in front of others.

"why I need to being miserable in her whole life since it is past, there are still better thing to look forward in our life"

This is what she told me and I agreed what she said. Yes, she has some bad memories before but she told me that she thanks to the past which caused become stronger and stronger. Obviously, people get stronger and stronger through each hardship they had met.

     In our life, there are different kind of hardships in our life such as , love, relationship, family, homework, work, friends, and more. Yes, meet different kind of hardships is like the process of growing stage, it is necessaries to met even you do not wish to. We, from a little sperm become a bean size and become a baby, child,adult, old guy... we are not able to avoid or stop it if we dont want it happened, it still happened no matter how.... It is same with the hardships we MUST met, but it is different with our growing stage, we can try to reduce our hardships. We might not able to decide our background or lifestyle, but we can choose to be what we want in our future through our perseverance, our action, our responsible. How??? Do whatever you can in order to improve yourself always..... Life might be sucks, but we must know we might be lucky one with others? Nothing is perfect, everything you have need scarify .... sometimes we need to think positive when we met hardship because each of the hardship is the guideline for our success.....

Sunday 3 November 2013

Believe yourself

      From what I heard since I was young until now,19years old, I had heard a lot of stories through my friends before.... All of the stories is based on the individual experiences. For example, I met a friend before, he is a tough guy and everyone around him know he is a tough guy but non of the people expect that actually he is the person who need care. One day , he told me he need someone to talk, and he told me some of his story and at the end he told me that he wants to suicide. I was surprise. He said that no one believe him, look at what he did no matter how good he did, no one respect him and more..... After that, I asked him one question and this question changed his minded....

 " Did you trust yourself?"

    All of us expect other's to trust us, to believe us, , but before you want other's to respect,to believe, to trust you, did you ever believe yourself? How can other's people trust or believe you if yourself dont even believe yourself? We need to have a strong perseverance and confident when we mentioned about our point of views or our ideas. If you give up your ideas your dream just because of some stabs from others, that is not a good ideas and dream because you, yourself don't even believe it is good. We must know something in our life

"we born to be satisfy ourself , not others"
    Yes, we born to satisfy ourself but not to be selfish. Different people will have different though in depends on their culture, background, experiences.. There is a word in Mandarin "一种米养百种人“ it means that one bean will produce hundred types of different people. We should not expect everyone will agreed our idea because no matter how good you are, there are someone who not satisfy your ideas. We should not ignore them but thanks them because they are the people who make us become stronger and stronger, they are the person who motivate us to the higher levels, BUT if you give up everything after their ambushing talking, that is not you anymore because you will only follow behind them.

  I met a good people before this, I love music and I love to sing very much, but I always lost my confident everytime when someone tease me because me myself dont even know wether my voice is nice or not nice.... One day, got a uncle tells me, sing out your voice and your style, dont be afraid, what are you afraid of?? I dont know what to answer him.... And then he ask me " do you like your voice?" I said " ok ok lor" then he scolded me " HOW OTHERS GOING TO LOVE YOUR VOICE IF YOU DONT EVEN LOVE YOUR VOICE?!"

   Yes my friend, as you can see, nowadays in your school, your university, your workplace, how many people will speak out their ideas? Most of the people will choose to be silent and follow the higher level people ideas even they know there are some better ideas from them because they are afraid of getting tease or laught by others. STAND UP and SHARE your ideas and view of points my friends! Let the world know your dream! your Ideas! dont afraid being laugh because at least you have your own AIM in your life even it is a ridiculous dream... At least you believe yourself ..... KEEPMOVING!!!

    It is not about voice or love or dream.... No matter what we do, we must believe ourself, because we must know we are special thats why our ideas is different with others


             As everyone know, lie is not a good habit and we had been taught not to tell lies... But why we still lie??? Is lie to others is a bad habit or good habit? 

Actually it can be good or bad.....

    Did you ever did this before, you lied to a person you love, you care, you wish to protect them.... Actually everyone did lie and sometimes we lied in order to protect something we love we care.... But it is a good choices to lie others in order to protect something? Hahaha it is a very good question because I asked myself thousand times...... Sometimes, it is good to lie in order to avoid misunderstanding, but the thing will become more worst than the actual problem if the people finds our the truth behind the lies. Mostly,you will become a jerk, a liar  no matter how good are you before he/she realize what is the truth. At the end, your kindness will become a sin ..... Yes I said like this because I always create a lie in order to cover some unwanted conflict or misunderstand or in order to protect something I care... There are some bad ending and good ending at the end of the lies. Some lies motivated my friends, some lies make my friends happy, some lies make my friends hate me, some lies make my lover hate me and leave me........ But who cares what happened to you at the end??? 

    " To create a lie is easy, To maintain a lie is difficult" 

IF you want to lie someone, please make sure they wont find out the truth at the end of the day because it will occur unwanted problems. From my personal experience, sometimes lie is good but it is dangerous as a time bomb because it might explode any time any seconds. 

    Sometimes, we should exchange our position with others when we are trying to angry someone because when you change your sight with him, maybe you will understand why he/she did that... maybe they are helping you even they know they know it is not a good choice. Create a lie is easy, but who can maintain it??? Mostly, the person who try to create and maintain a lie must be a tough people because it is not easy to maintain it... Sometimes, we might become a bad person with a lie in order to protect someone... But for me, it is worth if we can create a lie to protect someone.... Sometimes, you might need to sacrify everything you have with you lies...... including the person you love....

   Create  A lie?? Think twice.... A lie might can make a people happy but dont do it if you do not have a strong perseverance... Your duty is to be a backstage helper if you did that......

Friday 1 November 2013


Friend? Who is our friend? Are the friend with you now is your friend???

There are few types of friend with my theory:
1. Head Hunter friend:
This type of friend is a good head hunter because they know how to search for advantages. They will follow every orders that order by the people who has advantage for them. They will leave you once they search better advantages on other people.

2. Boomer's friend:
This type of friend is the person who good in talking nonsense. There are two types of boomer friend which are ambushing style and joker style. Ambushing style is the person who use their "knowledge" to attack people, mostly they will say themself have a lot of knowledge even they did not have. Joker style is they will talk nonsense but their nonsense is to cheers people. Mostly boomer have alot of friends but just friend not best friend.

3. Jakiro Friend:
This type of friend is known as dangerous friend. They will have different kind of talking style in front of different people. They might talking bad about your enemy in front of you but he/she might also talk bad about you in front your enemy. Mostly, this type of friend is good in making conflict and rumor among friend.

4.Backstage friend:
You should appreciate this type of friend if you know them because they might not talk or hang out with you everyday like the other friends you have but they will help you with their best try when you need help... Sometimes, they will help you indirectly without letting you know about it... Mostly, you will not realize them...

5. Book Friend:
This type of friends more concern about their study.

6. Pure friend:
The friend who dont know anything, you might need to bring him/her to view the world because they are still a clean paper.

7.Best friend
The friend who know who you are, believe you, help you when you need help. They will help you in the most proper way. Some of the "best friend" will help you but they might lead you to the wrong way..... so please clarify and know how to differentiate good best friend and bad best friend.

Actually, there are still alot of type of friend in this world, the most important we must know in our life is, different kind of background,cultures will create a different characteristic people.... We must learnt to appreciate and understand other if you have a true friend.... Appreciate every friend you have because human need friend to survive^^