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Thursday 10 January 2013

The power of WORD

   We will face different people in different time. Some people would help us or  harm us. There are are also several people would like to improve themself to avoid the chances people start harm them. The problem is human is an intriguing and strange thing.Some of the people they harm other without thinking about other's feeling and it causes the people that has been harm face a lot of problems. It is true that we can say a word easily through our mouth, but we should think twice before we talk because maybe your word will harm someone or demotivate someone. Sometimes, word is a miracle thing because it might be change a person life or attitude.

   I take my friend cases as an example. I will name him Joker.Joker is a boy, he is 18 years old and he born somewhere we know. He is a chatterbox, he never stop talk. You can imagine that his shape as a Doraemon because most of his friend mention that he looks like a Doraemon since he is short and fat. He wear spectacle sometimes. He had two dimples on his cheeks. He wear red colour most of the time because he love red. He is an annoying person until he met one person. He became very quite. Most of his friend acknowledge that he changed alot also during that time including me. Because of that, I started to have a private chat with him and there is how I learned that a simple word can hurt a person badly.

  He told me that he started became quite because he felt stress for his study. He told me that his lecturer seem have misunderstanding towards him and it caused he felt guilty always. He mentioned that he does not know why the lecturer seem hate him. He guessed that the lecturer did not like him because he does not have a good result because of his poor English. He had tried to improved his English by went to tuition during his holiday. He also did few exercises to improve his English in order to get good impression to the lecturer. Unluckily, his works always did not been appreciated by the lecturer. The first day he attended the class for the new semester, he heard that the lecturer keep mentioned that most of the student's English were very poor. He felt guilty because he felt that the lecturer was trying to tease him indirectly. He felt guilty and sad because he already did many things in order to improve his English before the new semester started but the lecturer seem still dislike him. 

  He felt very confused because he does not know how to make the lecturer likes him. He always emphasize himself by thinking the lecturer is trying to use another way to motivate him by teasing him and challenge him..But he felt demotivated every time after he been teased by the lecturer. He wanted to find the lecturer to have a talk and figure out the problem but he does not dare because he tried before but the lecturer seem ignored him. He kept the problems in his heart and it causes he  became more different than before because he is over stress.

  In this cases, I learnt that we should think before we say others because your word might influence a person. We should know that different kind of people consist of different thinking, we should not judge people and tease them by our perception. We should try to understand the person before we started to communicated with them. In this cases, the student has been demotivate because he felt that the lecturer dislike him, that is how the problem occurs.  For my suggestion, we should solve the problem by face to face because face to face will help and provide a chances that both of the sides tells that what is really happening and it reduces misunderstanding. For me, there are no right or wrong in this cases because we should know that different people have different kind of way to motivate a person. Maybe the lecturer is trying to motivate the student by challenging the student but the student take it as negative. Anyway, I hope the problem of my friend will be solved nicely because he is a nice person. He told me that he likes the lecturer, the only thing is he felt stress during his class, he felt scare.worry,fear to face the lecturer. Many people suggested him to complain the lecturer but he rejected the option because he felt that the problem is on himself. The person who surrounded him always ask him to complain the lecturer because they dislike the lecturer but they do not dare to complain the lecturer and they felt is a good chance to use Joker if Joker did complain the lecturer. The Joker persist not to complain the lecturer because he knows that the only way to solves this problem is improving himself always in order to get attention from the lecturer.



1 comment:

  1. dear kelvin,

    I understand how u feel and i'm glad u have your own stand and try to improve yourself.life is indeed full of obstacles and the only way to make the obstacles go away is you, yourself make them go away. Be positive, stay positive and if you feel that others are influencing you to be negative, mix with others that will do otherwise. Don't expect your lecturer to like but prove to him that you can do it despite the things he told you. I always believe it is the effort that counts not the grades. May you have successful semesters ahead.
    Miss M (^_^)
