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Thursday 3 January 2013

The first day of writing blog.

        Today is January 4th 2013, Hi everyone, this is the new blogger for me.By reading this blog, my ''fans'' can more understand me.They also able to know what happen in my life today or before because in this blog, i will share my experience and stories. I started to write blogger because I hope others will not done the same mistakes that what i had done before. Other than that, I also wish I can improve my English level since my lecturer mention that my English is very poor. Luckily, I passed my semester 2. Seriously I didt expect that I will pass all the test especially for my XXX subject. Hahaha sorry for not mentioned the course name because I do not wish to involve in any problem anymore. 

       So what should I write for my first post of my blog? Actually I do not have any ideas. How about I write about what happened today?  Is still holiday today so that is the reason that I can until very late. I woke up at 12pm. I slept late last night because I has been awaked  by my brother. He loves to chit chat at midnight. Actually today is wonderful day but most of my times spending on my laptop and phones. Unlikely before, I had do some exercises today because I wan become fitter and taller than before. I had search some  how to get taller video through video. I do not know whether it will works a not because all the comment is negative comment. Anyway, thanks to that video because it increase my confident that I still have the chances to get tall. My dinner and lunch is my mom most skilful dishes, she cooked chicken rice. I ate alot, I took my brother rice because he does not want to eat because he already have his lunch with his friend. 
     Luckily my mind recall some memory, I remember one things to write. For your information, I had a Dog, her name is Rudy, she is very famous around my taman because she is sexy and hot. I can prove this because I will see alot of male dogs around my house area everyday. This few days the cases become more serious because my dog come period. The male dogs try to crawl into my house through fence in order to rape my dog=.=. It causes troubles for me also because my mom keep shout my name when the two big dogs raping my dog. I told my families to complain to the two stupid dog owner but my families rejected the idea because they do not wish to have many problem or argue with others. I keep try to get chances to scared the dog by letting them in into my house garden to rape my dog. I will scared them as long they step into my garden but the dogs are brave, they keep trying non stop until I locked my dog into cage and use some vase to block the hole on the fences that has been bite by the dogs. I feel pity to my dog because she not use to it to be locked inside cage. Most of the time she is running around our garden. The most disgusting thing that i realised was the two males dogs are Fxxx each other. I think they really cant control their desire since i stopped them Fxxx my dog when they were doing until halfway. 
    Ok, I stop here today, I will write more stories other days, sorry for today because is too sudden i feel want to started my blog, I started this blog without any ideas. Tomorrow my roommates are coming to Melaka to have 1day trips, to make sure I had enough of energy to bring them walked around Melaka i would need to sleep earlier because my girl Soo Cheng will comes too^,^ .Happy XDXD Errr sorry for my poor english too, if cant try to correct my sentence by comment, I will be happy if you all try to correct me because I wish to improve my English. Thanks!

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