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Monday 16 December 2013

The power of one to one(sharing)...

Once before, I saw a rubbish on the road and I picked it up throw to rubbish bin... My friends ask me:" why you want to waste your energy and time to throw that rubbish? It is not yours!" "The world will become cleaner and cleaner if every of us do the same thing as what I did, Maybe someone will did it when I did it... it is an invisible communication or transaction of information skill" answered by me." "no one cares"replied my friend. 

I am not a hero or god...But I believe that my action will influenced the people surrounding me somedays, maybe their minded will not change the the first time they saw, maybe they will start to do what I do after the 2th,3rd or maybe the 10th time. If the invisible communication continued, I believe human will did what I did somedays.

Actually, there are more things that we can changed just by our indirect "sharing" skills such as our happiness. Do you believe that your laugh and happiness can bring happiness to others? Do you ever met this situation before? You will laugh even you dont know what your friend is laughing, but you still feel it is funny and happy?? Or you will yawn when you saw one of your friend yawned, and the person beside you will start and yawn too when you yawned. Why??? Because we are sharing what we did indirectly.

So my friends, try and do good thing everyday, maybe your attitude will not change a person at that moment, but you might able to change them someday..... I heard someone told me before, everyone will start and eat shit if the Television everyday publish a eating shit advertisement. We human will receive every single message we had heard, saw even we choose to ignore, it will appear somedays even you dont wish to believe except you have a good personnel.

Try and do good everyday, such as pick up the rubbish on the road, lend your hand for the people who need help, clean the toilet after use, and more.......

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