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Saturday 10 May 2014

How Mother's day exist? History of Mother's Day

Everyone was celebrating Mother's Day with their beloved mother or grandmother or more..... But how many people that celebrate Mother's day really know what is the origin story behind Mother's day???

Basic Knowledge of Mother's day

Founder of Mother's day

Mother's day also known as public holiday! We need to thanks to two great woman named Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jervis who brings out this day. In another words, they are the heroes that brings out the culture.

When and Where was Mother's day created?
It was created bt Julia Ward Hower and Anna Jervis on 1908. In the year 1908, Mother's Day had became official public holiday in United State.

More Details about Mother's day

How Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jervis brings out Mother's day?
In 1907, AnnaJervis held a cermony in Grafton, West Virginia in order to honor her mother who had died two years earlier. At that moment, Jervis's mother tried to establish Mother's Friendship day as she hopes it is a way to dealing with the aftermath of Civil War. After that, Anna Jervis began a campaign in order to create a national holiday. Mother's day is a day that we could show our honor and respect to our mother.

In 1872, Mother's day was suggested by Julia Ward Howe.
In 1910, West Virginia is the first state tat recognize this new holiday and all the nation followed in 1914 when President Wilson declared that the mother's day will be at the second Sunday in May. Jarvis used white carnation as a symbol for mother because Carnations(the photo above this paragraph is carnation) represent sweetness, pure and the endurance of mother's love. Nowadays, the white carnation represent a mother who was died and red carnation represent a living mother

Now, congratz, finally you have some knowledge of Mother's day

Anyway, no matter how, we still need to love and respect our Mother even Mother's day is not exist because she is the one who born us, without your mom, you are not able to read this article right now and you will never know how much pain it is when they born us( for boy)

Respect and

Greeting from KelvinMelody


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