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Monday 14 April 2014


 Hi again, it had been a long time I did not update my blog due to some personal problems. Actually I was quite busy recently, I was busy on my events... I joined quite a few events as committee. Actually the main reason I stop blogging is "laziness" haha...... Ok, Actually I would like to share some experiences that I just experienced few days ago.

     Actually it was quite stupid. Let went back to last thursday, I started feeling not well, and I decided to go for doctor on Sunday because I really feeling sick badly. I went to NCI hospital, and I really not happy with their service. I guess the Doctor though I am a bad student who is trying to get MC in order to skip class, I will say she is not a good doctor if that is not what she thinks. I was very suffer that time because of my sickness, I feel hot + cold. I cant describe that feeling, but the feeling was totally not nice at all....

Doctor: Tell me, what happen?
Me: I am feeling not well, and I suspect I got dengue or measles can I have blood test?
Doctor: Ok, let me check, Open your mouth please.

she checked my throat....

Doctor: Ok Kelvin, Actually you just have a simple sore throat, so tomorrow you still need to went for                        classes. You look fine too,
Me: But I am feeling not well, I dont even eat for this few days
Doctor: You are just a spoiled kid, you should take care yourself, all your symtoms is just your imagination...              You just have a simple sore throat that all, so pelase get a jacket if you feel cold and go to class                      tomorrow...I will give you anti biotic for your sore throat.
Me: Lol...... Ok thanks

You know, I was feeling angry that moment because she scold me as spoil kid. If I want to get MC, will I spend so much money to get a MC? I can just choose to go clinic. I went to hospital it means that I know something wrong on my body

After 3 days, I was surprise went I went to toilet because I saw a lot of red dots on my body, and I ask my friend fetch me to NCI hospital again. Luckily, the doctor is better than the first time, she allow me to do blood test and it shows that I got denggue( from the result). And yeah, I got dengue

Here is the few ways how I cope with dengue which really effective:
1. Take PAPAYA LEAVE ( at least 3) and minced it become water....
Drink it..... (it would be very very disgusting) but you need to drink it because it will help you to recover in a short time.

2. Drink water, spam water to your mouth, and you will recover~~~ hahaha no other choices, just drink water......

3. Strongly recommend you all to drink PAPAYA leaf because it is very effective, I tried~~~

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