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Tuesday 18 March 2014

What is "Perfect" ?

Is PERFECT  exist? Or it does not?  So what is PERFECT?

Since GOOGLE is universal which most of the people said we can search everything we want in Google, and so I did... I search for definition of Perfect and this is what I get

"Perfect is having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be."

To make sure you understand what am I going to write in this post, I would like to ask you a question.

 "Is this a PERFECT definition of Perfect?"

I do not have the right the say it is a perfect or not perfect answer, but it is just a question for you to think about it.
So when I talk about PERFECT, I would like to ask another question in order to make sure you can be more understand what I am going to bring out.

Do you ever have a Dream Boyfriend/ Girlfriend? or A Dream life you wish you can have, or anything you wish you do not have it before but you think it is PERFECT if you have it.

Or do you every said such thing before? " IF I have XXXX(something) then everything will be PERFECT!"

If you ever think about all the questions I asked, now I am going to ask you a Last question:
" Is your Perfect Boyfriend/ Girlfriend of you dream of is really Perfect? Is your Dream life is perfect? Does it suit you? How do you know???

"Sometimes, Perfect is not Perfect,
Sometimes, It is Perfect because it is not Perfect." By KelvinMelody

My friends, actually Perfect is exist, it is Perfect because it is not Perfect, Do you ever fall in love to someone you never though of you will? Do you ever hate the life you dream of? Do you ever experienced that you feel it is not what you want after you get the thing that you think it was PERFECT?

Facebook Fanpage:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kelvinmelody-%E6%97%8B%E6%80%9D/813157458701116

Hope you guys enjoy my blog^^

Wednesday 12 March 2014

"Share Your Information Wisely, Give a Statement With Brain "

   Due to the hot news about MH370, a lot of  so call " news" had appeared in internet. I understand many people wish to help since this cases had get attention around the world. Everyone wish can do something even just by sharing the information. But, I hope the user of internet will do some research before you all share the information about the news aeroplane MH370 because what you share, what you post, will affect the victim's parents seriously. For the people who started to share the fake information in order to get viewer for your advertisement or blog please stop your childish action. We really need to think twice before we share the information because you will never how it feels when the victim's family saw the fake news.

Before you criticize anything, why dont you just look for something good in order to comfort the emotion of the victim's family? I am not mention that you are wrong, but I just hope the internet users know how to share the information wisely. You May pray for MH370, MY FRIENDS, STOP CRITICIZE ANY PARTY, DO SOMETHING WISELY INSTEAD OF CRITICIZE ANY PARTY BECAUSE CRITICIZE WILL NOT HELP ANYHING ON FINDING THE LOST MH370'S AEROPLANE.

Lastly, i hope you guys will share your information wisely....
Thanks, Hope you guys dont feel offended

I hope all the passengers in the plane will be fine.....

Monday 10 March 2014

My big Family

Everyone has their own family... I did have my own family too^.^. This post, I am going to use the photos taken during the trips to China and Taiwan to briefly describe my big family, so basically this is a random post which in picture form.

So this is my family.... my brothers, my mom and dad..... This is where my grandparents stay and all my ancestors are inside this house( sounds scary ya) hahaha This is the most important members in my life, they are my parents and brothers.

So this is my cousin( we are acting cool but there are some spoiler inside) hahaha, this is still not the full goup of us.... Quite love this photo
 Ya, a star made by TEO's family

 This photo is funny, we ask him to act as a "GOD" and we will act as his protectors, but we lied to him, we pee on him haahah
OK, let's take a normal photo...

I guess three of us are quite close because our age just near to each other, this is how we balance our each others character. the middle one always on the middle side between two of us...  balance ya~~~

This is my brothers, we used to argue with each others.... We have totally different personality and character, I guess that is why we always fight,argue. Yes we did fight(just by word or different ideas on doing something), argue, but we will help each others when anyone of us need help. I will never fail to help my brothers if they need helps..... we looks like not in a good relation, but our relation is stronger than anyone... 

Ya, nice picture right??
This is basically my big family, some of my cousins are not in this photo also^^

Erm, I dont know , but we known as "4 great fighters or emperors"

I love my big family, because we are close, we know about each other, we have different dream, different path ways, but our heart born to be together.....

Wednesday 5 March 2014


Do you ever drunk? Do you ever drank a wine that can let your drunk even you just drink it a little??? and there are some wine that you wont feel even dizzy after you drink.... It is same with our life, there is one kind of people that it is hard for you to forget..... And there are people who are easy to be forgotten..... Who knows? You know it the most.....

 " ok, i dont want disturb you already" how many people can understand the meaning behind this word?

How many people leave, how many people stay in your life? 
How many people be with you, how many people get advantage of you?
how many people really wanted to help you without any bad ambition.

Sometimes, there are a person in front of you protect you... but you never realize....
Is like a candle fall in love with fire......
How candle alive with fire? Even fire dont love candle,  the candle let the fire burns himself in order to let fire stay live... until the end of his life..... Did fire appreciate candle?????

My friends, dont forget the people who surround you , dont look too far, sometimes we must look at the present things.... learn the word, APPRECIATE. 

Tuesday 4 March 2014

A Good day, A Hot day, A Cold day, A Bad day, still a DAY....

A good day, a bad day, a hot day, a cold day, a windy day, a lucky day.... no matter how it is, it still a day. It still a part of your life.... It is your life wonderful??? How you define a wonderful life? A life that always nothing special happen but safe? Or a life that you might have some good things and bad things happened? Which one you prefer?

I prefer the second one... Yes, our life might be full of unhappy things, but.... do you remember something which our life is full of happy things too...
From the pictures above, which one do you prefer? Nowadays, alot of people always complain their life is bad, they feel GOD or someone else did not treat them well.... Actually you are the one did not treat yourself well because you are the one decide how your life can be. Yes, there are some factors that might can affect your emotions( that is why i said life can be adventure or simple), but I believe that, no matter how suck is our life, there will be a good thing happened before in our life. Try to be positive and you might have a better life. 

Some people do ask me, "it is easy to mentioned that think positive, dont you ever have negative minded before?"

Yes, of course I did, I am not a perfect human , I admitted that I am not a good person too, I still have a lot of things to improve myself.... But there are few methods to let your emotion feels good especially when you are angry or emo.

1. You can try to take out your camera, and try to capture every happy moment you saw , it can be anything. save it to your phone, there is no such thing call impossible, try to give yourself a limit, example, take at least one photo every 10 steps?I cant explain why this will help you feel better, you may try it^^

2. Try to laught like an idiot haha, just laught.... it will be like an idiot, but after u smiile, you might feel better, at the moment, you should try to relax your self

3.try recall something funny moment or epic moment in your life, it can be some idiot stuff you did in the past or your friends did.

4. Find a group of friends and hang out, dont talk about the thing that you not happy with because it will affect your emotion goes worst. Just hang out, talk about other thing.

5.make yourself busy

Try it, and give me feedback if you wish to? You may talk to me by email me, I will give you feedback through email if you do not wish i post out your question and your information will be P&C.

By Kelvinmelody

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Here is my wechat id haha:

Sunday 2 March 2014

A deep though I have after I met with my best bro ( Andrew)

Yeah this photo was taken quite a long time ago, I am on the left hand side and he was at the right hand side( the one who holding the guitar). Ya he is my best bro, the ONLY friend I trust so far. We know each other since form4, he sit one after beside me in the class, and we did alot of stupid things in class haha.... A lot of memories even just 2 years....

Since we graduated, I went to INTI for my education and he stay in Malacca to focus on his own dream and study. We barely have chances meet each other because he was busy when I back to malacca. But so far, we are still contact with each other... We met each others yesterday and we talk some of our stories that happened in this two years.....

  After the talk, we both become a little emo because we found that we had the same weakness... Since the hardships I had faced, he talked to me alot and guide me as well when I was not happy.... But at the end , we realized that we become the same type person  which we are soft hearted ( the people that easy to forgive others even people hurt us)
     He had told me not to be soft hearted people in our life since I met him because he said I take care other's feeling too much but I did not take care of my self.. Most of the times, people will take advantages once you give the too much freedom, it became a habit.

    It reminds me something, I always say nevermind nevermind or smile when someone talk bad about me or tried to set up me in a trap because I always think that we are friends, just playing.... But everyone has their border line, I remember I fought back once and they said i changed.... Actually , I did not changed, I am just giving too much freedom to my friends. This even happened after I came to University. My best friend in inti also said that I am too kind== (but i dont thiink so) ..... A lot of people ask me, why I need to do this kind of stuff if i feel uncomfortable when people backstab me or other stuff.... My answer will be two, either it is because of LOVE   or because of FRIENDS...... No matter what happen, i will try to  help my friends if they requested, whcih it had became a habit... I become the bad person when I did not help.... Who saw my tears? Who feel what I feel when I concern about others? Who Knows How I feel when I am smilling.....

Is this my fault??? Should I continue become who I am? Yes, I am going to become who I am because I believe my action will lead others to help others when others need help...

Me and Andrew talk from 12-am to 3.30am something..... Hahaha it quites funny, I had a weird feeling when we leave, espeacilly when we said bye to each others, is like..... we will not meet each other for a long times..... But, I wish my best bro... I wish he can achieve his dreams..... We will meet on the stage of success someday... right ANDREW?.......

by KelvinMelody