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Wednesday 4 November 2015

Steady Bro,I AM HERE

    How many people call you as a "BRO" everytime when they saw you? The question is, are they really treat you as what we so call "BRO"?  Life is awkward sometimes, the people that call you BRO mostly just a name of term. The real BRO is really someone that be with you whenever you come to shits problem and they dont mind on sharing their benefit with you.

   What a world, so many people call you BRO but how many did really stand out when you are in troubles? How many of them betray you, backstab you once they reached their success and claims that everything they got for the success is by their ownself?.  Yeah, such thing commonly happened among humans because human tend to be a creature that do not know appreciate.

   A lot of times, people will look for you when they need help because they know you will help. Or you might be someone that always help people when they are down...... But, time flies, no matter who is it, it might be your brothers, cousins, friends, best friends, or more. At the end, you will realize one thing.... time proves a lot of things. Sometimes, a good person at the end can be a very shitty person. A very shitty person you think at the beginning might be the person who help you the most whenyou are in trouble. What a weird situation right.

  A lot of time, we heard people say "DONT WORRY BRO, I AM HERE" "STEADY" All this word is just bull shit. Imagine, how many of them really so call steady? How many of them can turn their gun to you in one single second?  

   I used to be someone who I consider helpful to others. I help people as long I can help but I  am just being quite indirectly helping and most of my friend know about it. But it becomes an advantages towards everyone even sibling or more. Look back to the past.... how many you helps them? How many advice, effort, material support you had given to them?? But what they did to you??

  But I want to say congratz to myself, I hit one of the resolution of this year 2015 which is to be someone independent and evil^.^ hahhahaha but i still help worthy ppl who i think they are.

Good Luck To my haters.

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Movie Review: The Last Witch Hunter


     The story line is normal and the pace is too draggy, I can feel that they are trying to drag the time longer, too much draggy scene which is the biggest mistake for this movie. Thus, I feel the story line is quite predictable.

   The movie story line still can be more interesting but they did not develop it well, It suppose can be more interesting scene such as fighting scenes and can add one some mystery part in order to catch our attention.

   In this movie, you will feel you want to leave the seat but the only thing that keep on me the seat is the starring of this movie which is the female main character, Rose Leslie, somehow i feel she is quite pretty and hot. 

   I not sure it is because Malaysia's rules had limited their scene, maybe they cut some scene such as kissing and so on because I did not saw any kissing scene or 18x scene in this movie. It is quite disappointment.

  Overall for this movie i will give 3.5 out of 10. If you just want to pass your time, it is worth to watch. If you are someone who want to watch nice movie, I will not recommend this movie because not that interesting.


Tuesday 27 October 2015

First attempt: Movie Review "GOOSEBUMPS"

    The pace of this movie is nice and steady no dragging. You will not feel want to go toilet because the whole movie will let you sit at your seat in stead of moving away to toilet or something else.

    Thus, it is not a must to read the book of GOOSEBUMPS before you watch this movie because in the movie it will explain to you about it. (it is too slow for you to read them right now because too many to read).  It is good if you read them before, because you can saw some of them inside the movie

   It is not a childish movie. At first, this movie you gave you a creepy scary feeling, but in the movie you will feel it is quite dramatic and funny instead of saying it is scary or creepy.

  Not really much action in this movie but it is more on about the story line that the director trying to develop, if you are the types of person like to watch movie based on story line, it is quite recommend to watch this movie.

   For me, I feel the story line got a bit mystery part which it does not explain well (minus mark for that). You will get what i mean after you finished the movie, it is about the invisible boy.

   The actors are nice and very suitable for what they act especially the father and the main character's friends.

  Overall for this movie, I give 5.5/10 because it fit my taste, and I feel worthy to spend the money to watch this movie. minus so many mark because i didt get Goosebumps haha. One more thing, No need wait for the staring because ntg else at the end. You can move your butts from the seat after finishing the last part.

BY: KelvinMelody

Monday 28 September 2015


The rains fall and stop,
The flower blooming and withered,
The life start and end,
The happiness here and there,

Life is short,
the moment we born, we are naked,
the moment we dead, we bring the same thing when we born "nothing".

Life is short,
the moment we angry, we should calm down,
learn to appreciate what we have,

Life is short,
the tears drop, and it start to dry,
nothing much we can do with the life cycle.

              This is a very deep though in my heart, my precious uncles had passed away and this incident was too sudden, it gives me a lot of though in my mind.

             We human, fight for everything but at the end we bring nothing to another world.... We human, fight for everything, at the end we just realize the people surround us are the most precious things........

Most condolence to my Uncle...... R.I.P


Monday 3 August 2015

The things I had pass through, learnt, understand, inspire through 65% of 2015

4th August 2015, 
Time flies, without noticing August had came and soon September, October, November, December and end of this year,2015. Damn fast... Actually, I not sure this post will be boring anot because it gonna be something that about the things that I had gone through currently~


    It is my pleasure to meet my girlfriend and it had lighten up my life more colorful... No joking, we had argument always due to characters, behaviors, habits and more because we both come from different kind of background which caused we human have different mindset on certain thing. At the same time, we tried our best to resolve the problem we had faced even we argue, we tried to not take overnight fight..... 
  I guess this is how it works currently. For my side, I am a very stubborn person which I will very insist on the thing I had  decided which caused her feel unhappy i guess?? But, Of course due to time flies, we had gone through some circumstances also which make our relationship become more stable than before. Of course we not only argue la!! hahaha, so dont think that we are "ARGUING COUPLE" haha. Yup so basically my relationship current status still on going to the better stage^^.

University Friends
   Erm...... this is gonna be a long pieces i guess haha, yup I am glad also because I had met a gang of friends in my university. Let's me introduce some of them which closer with me one ( it is hard to take their photo because they all not really like to take photo one)~~

1. My boss ( lao da), Nickname: KMC

This guy is wanted, he is my boss, mafia boss our my gang haha, he had total 5 members in his gang (included me), and one allies. So dont mess around with him, << look at his face~~ like a boss~~~


2. Second boss ( Lao Er). NickName: Big bird   

This guy is our fighter in our mafia gang, look at his face~~ fierce right? Of course he must be fierce because he is our second boss. Dont mess around with him because he not going to let you go easy.

3. Me^.^ NickName: KelvinMelody
Haha, yup this is me, ^^  I am their their Human Resource Team hahaha helping our boss to get more members

4. Nickname: Old People
This guy is our first members XD Cuteness reached Max. A tough guy that can get 1000 girls just by walking pass by the beach.

5. NickName: MemoryLost
This guys love to being invisible, being an unknown person thats why I did not reveal his face, he is the one provide us transport whenever we want! Being cool~

6. Nickanme: Disneyland
This guy also love to be mystery so i just put a random photo! hahaha he is one of our fighter team!

Yup, finish introduce! hahaha actually they are the people that I joined often this year in my University life. Actually, we are not really mafia, just going gym together~ so whatever I wrote above just to write something to waste ur time to read buahahaha. This is the friend that I feel I can talk whatever I want, but only me they not allow me to do too much because I am too noisy XD
And now, we got some communication term that only we know such as "Kelvin's Logic", " look at each other and smile" and more.... hahaha, bassically they are very good friends 

Thus, I also did joined some clubs in my university, the first one which I had a position of Vice president which is Mass Com club^^ I had fun with them too because we always doing challenging event!!! It is quite tired, but at the same times we had fun and learn something..... And also we fight for our own ideas,!! The things that I love to join mass comm people because they are more open and fun to play compares with my friend in business which is more realistic >.<! sorry to say that..... And the good thing is I had become a speaker for a camp!! hahaha (just lucky)

Other than that, I had also joined some useless club in my University too which I not really want to mention it specificly haha.... sometimes, you all need to dig it out yourself if you really want to know what I am talking haha,( I am bad)... This is the worst club that I had joined so far, A club that self center, a club that do not know act like an adult which they dont even know what is so call basic Moral. Why I said so? Let's me ask you a question guys, when you borrow something that cost very expensive from others, is like damn expensive and you borrowed, will you offer others something better as a thanks you gift?? or do something instead of just saying thanks... this is very very basic knowledge but there are people who do not know, the worst thing is they are UNIVERSITY student! and had been complained by the secondary school student.... what a joke~~ Inside this club, what i had seen is selfish, idiot, trying to gain benefit... thats all nothing much good thing I seen. And they never appreciate except blaming..... what they did just blame but they dunno what is the best outcome that had been done by others. So my readers, please learn some basic knowledge of moral dont become like them.... Haha, I had met a weirdo inside also, hahaha he had unfriend me after he realizes that I know something that he never expect I will know, As I said before, I DONT MIND TO LET PEPOPLE SCOLD, TEASING, BIAS ON ME BECAUSE I KNOW TIME PROVES EVERYTHING....... Yup, So conclusion, it is a fail club.


Yup, bassically I had my 21st birthday this year and I am quite happy because most of my friends had came to celebrate with me, this is the first time and last time maybe I celebrate my birthday with friends.... Yup, above are some of the photos that had been taken during the day itself.

Erm, so how is my friendship ?? It is quite.... complicated....
I am that type of person who is talkative, playful and open minded. I can be very close very playful and willing to help as long I can help. But, sometimes friends will take advantages of this. I had learnt something after all this years.... 

Friends are not about how long you had been together as a friend, is about how you being a friend

In our life, everyone is our friend, but how it consider as real friend? It is really u know him very long liao only call good friend? Nope, I had met some friends, When they need my help, I didt ask much and I will help in term of money, advise or physiological.... and? At the end, they throw the shit to you when they met trouble.. So, for me I am not going to explain much as I said before TIME PROVES EVERYTHING. A friend that trust you will trust you, just be silent no need explain too much because there are too much jerks that create idiot rumours... The real time you can see the real friend is the moment you need help... and at that moment it is cruel to know that who are the person who give shit execuse when u ask help from them..... So fuck up life hahaha~ Most important thing is.... remember you tried your best, as long you dont owe them anything, no need to feel guilty for their anger....

Going through my previous photo when i was young...... life is short... really short.... the time flies like rocket but I feel I move like turtle haha.......

Actually, what should I say to myself is.... I am still gonna be more tougher and tougher.... There are more hardships and challenges coming to me soon... Recently, shits happened but now when I look at it back..... eh... I had go through, ntg is impossible it depends whether i choose to overcome anot. No money, get it your self instead of complaining, want something? get it yourself, show the effort.....

this is what I had told myself time to time.... WHen problems come, think positive because the shit already happened, you cnat change the past, but the future is still on you~~ DO IT NOW BEFORE YOU REGRET

Music..... Musicc.....  OH ya, the good thing is, there are some companies realize the appearance of my blog and I wanted to say thanks to you all for keep reading my blog again and again for every update, I will try my best to write the best thing or something meaningful so I hopes my articles really inspire, or help you when you are having hardship... Do not hesitate to ask me question, I will reply as soon as possible.... 

From: KelvinMelody
Email: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com

Saturday 4 July 2015

Real life Story1,The pathway to the Success,Madam Yee Lee Lean

           Today, I wish to share a story of a successful entrepreneur, it is a real life story which happened in this world. But before I start, I would like to ask you two simple questions: 

1. Have you ever thought that you have a less fortunate upbringing?
2. Do you really appreciate what you have now?

Take 2 minutes to think about these 2 questions, and try to answer them sincerely…

        I was personally inspired after reading through Madam Yee Lee Lean’s story and I feel very lucky that I had the chance to share her story with my readers. I wish that all of you can get some inspiration through  understanding this piece - "A Past Story of Madam Yee Lean”.

           Let me describe her in person, Madam Yee Lee Lean is a leader of an agency - APPS SDN BHD. With her passion and hard work, she had became a very successful leader in this insurance agency. You want to know why I asked those questions just now? Actually we should learn to appreciate what we have, we should feel lucky as Madam Yee Lee Lean lost her father when she was only 3 months old.... Can you imagine going through that??? Her mother remarried but her stepfather passed away in his early 50s because he was an alcoholic and he left 4 children behind including Madam Yee Lee Lean. In order to help sustain her family’s life, Madam Yee Lee Lean had to worked for multiple jobs from morning till night.

      Knowing all that she have gone through, with all these roadblocks and challenges in the life of Madam Yee Lee Lean, you’re probably wondering now - how did she become so successful nowadays then?? 
Here is the second part of the story, things took a turn when her brother introduce to her the concept of starting a business as Life planner for AIA. She is a very hardworking and passionate worker, after starting her professional training with AIA, and by putting in full effort, she was awarded second runner up nationwide for achieving the most number of individual cases, only after her second year of being a life planner.

   As mentioned previously, Madam Yee Lee Lean is now the leader of her own insurance agency which is APPS SDN BHD. APPS is an abbreviation of AttitudePersonalityPerseverance and Skills, what Madam believes are the core values of a successful entrepreneur. 
     As we all know, there are a lot of obstacles in our life, choosing a right leader is your best choice to becoming successful one day as you will be able to learn from the leaders personal experience and valuable lessons. Madam Yee Lee Lean is a very good leader and I really wish I can meet her in person soon. Actually i suppose to meet her last two weeks but due to some personal problem, I am not able to make it but her passion surprise me because she do not mind to come and find me in personal in order to share her story and motivate me.

      Through her story, It is obvious that there are something we need to learn, NEVER GIVE UPNO EXCUSESAPPRECIATE and NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. More than that, we must learn that, our background does not decide who we are. It is your own core values (for it to be passion,  perseverance etc) that ultimately sets you apart from others, the real price tag that you set on yourself.

There are no such thing as I cant do it, the only question is whether you want to DO IT, OR NOT.

Feeling inspired? Always remember, Madam Yee Lee Lean can make it this far, why can’t you?
Want to meet her in person to find out more? Not a problem because I am going to tell you a good news
  • Madam Yee and her team will also be present at the upcoming Career Builder Fair 2015 @ KLCC on 22 & 23 August (11AM – 6PM), booth C05. Come over and visit to meet her face to face! 
If you want to be successful but you do not know how and where to start from, Madam Yee Lee Lean is able to give you some personal guidance. Do not hesitate to contact ivytan.apps@gmail.com or call in 0379888043 to schedule an appointment today.


Thursday 11 June 2015


到最后我们才明白,不管你是谁,不管你多有钱,不管你多有势力,不管你是男是女,不管你恨,你爱,你喜欢,你讨厌 多少人。。。。到最后每一个人的结局都是一样的。。。

五年后的你们 会是怎样??



你只要知道 谁陪你走到最后


也许很多人都知道了。。。但是多少人真的 去珍惜???

by: KelvinMelody

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Easy Money, Easy money, really so easy?

Money, Money, Money…..
The older we are, we will found out that money is a very important thing….
At the same times, it can be use for different kinf of purpose…
One of the worst case is it can make fool on human brain…..

I can see that there are a lot of “ earning money” opportunity which posted by others in social networks recently, it is very common nowadays…
They will attract other people to "start their business" with few statements:
1.   1Time-    They will state that, time flexible, no need sit office, you can do it at home just by posting , sharing information

2.    2  Money
- The post will be stated that they can earn a lot of money in a week or a month they can but this and luxury items
- Mostly, the amount will be high which is normally it can be one or two months of our normal salary

3. Easy
  - they will say they are students, or they just fresh graduate and they do nothing but they earn a lot through the business.

4. Attraction
- they will post some photos to show they are rich, mostly they will take photos with their cars or their “friend” car or their expensive watches, a package of cash and more… they will just keeep snap photo for thei “ rich “ life.

     Guys, think about it… if so easy… everyone is rich now.. They will say that a lot people don’t understand the business that they are doing. They will try to get money from you to “start” the business…

    So, a lot people will ask, if they are not doing the right thing… how they get so rich?? How do they buy all those luxury car, watches and more??

Very simple answer… Because a lot people get fooled by them with all those Luxury things that owned by them… I had experienced in this kind of things that iss why I know, I tried to listen all their “business Plan” even I know I wont do it. The reason I go and listen is to see how they running their “busienss”

So basiicallly, most of them will start will a modal so you can become their member and start to do the business. For example,  XXX company asked me to become their agent, and then I will get commision of rm100 for each people I found to become a member. In order to become the member of the XXX company, I will need to pay RM2000 in order to start this business…. So do you guys know where they earn money? Yes, from the RM2000, they will sell you a stone or something else which is not worth that price and they will tell you that product is not important because the most important thing is to earn money by finding more people because the more people u found, the more bonus you can get from the XXX company.

I had seen some worst case which is, they know some of the people do not have RM2000 and they will ask you how much do you have? Let say you say you have only rm600, they will ask you to give them as deposit and you can start to do the busiiness, but at the end you will realize the money of the deposit will never return to you if you reqeust to take it back. SO where do this money go??? Yes, in their pocket, they will use it to buy watches or some luxury item, themore member you foundthe more profit they can get.

But, if you are doing well in this business, they will be more happy. Why?

Example, rm2000 you will receive the product, the product only worth let say maximum rm200. Each people you found you will receive RM100 commision.

So RM2000(member fees) – RM200 (product fees) – RM100 (commmision) = RM1700
The more you find, the more they earn…. They give their “agent” RM100 in order to let them feel satisfy because they will think it is an easy job… Then some of them will be doing some bad way to scam other people….

Guys, think about it, money never come easily, you can earn by doing this…. Yes, I admit it is a very fast money…. But do you think this is a good trend?????? Do you really think this is so calll a “business’? I call it a business but not a real business….

Stop believing in fake luxury photos because some people look rich but in reality… they are nothing…… They need money more than you….. "If you want to earn money, please do it in the right way, make sure you understand what it is"

"There is no fast money, free money or easy money" by KelvinMelody

Sorry if I did offended anyone, I decided to post this because I found out that a lot people around me had involve into this kind of “business” and they are damn regret and some of them even crying because that was their saving or emergency money even some of it are PTPTN money which they suppose to use it for paying their education fees.


Sunday 12 April 2015


          2015.... it will be a very busy year for me...... I failed to reach some resolution I had made for the year 2015 because I have not enough time update my blog frequently... A lot things happened even just few months passed...

          After few things happened through events and as a leader I learned that it is not easy to stand at the top, it is not easy to become better but you must know what you want to be in order to overcome all obstacles that trying to stop you become better person, you need to clearly know what you are doing because the reality will brainwash your mind just by mouth of others. No matter how hard is life, as long you know you didt do anything wrong and you know you did the right job, that is far more than enough already because this is the reason that can make you stay strong ( at least for me ).

       After few obstacles I had faced, I learned that I need to stay strong because there are a lot of "audiences" in our life to wait and hoping we will give up someday, there might be people that trying to spoil your reputation by grouping the people around  you and brainwash them about the perception towards you, but as I mentioned, as long you know what you are doing, dont be afraid , dont doubt yourself because you KNOW you KNOW that you are doing the right thing! 

    I had been questioning myself few times, I did doubt myself before because I was thinking is it really my mistakes all this unwanted problems rise up even you trying to avoid? At the end, I realize something which is the problems will look for you even you dont want to because there are so call "demotivators" in our life which they are trying to let you down, trying to say that you are doing the mistakes even they are the one who did that. Is ok to be blame by others because I learned that TIME WILL PROVE EVERYTHING. As long you need to learn from the mistakes, admit if you did the mistakes, take other comments or suggestion positively because this is the thing make you become better and better instead of running away from the mistakes you had done. But how about the mistakes that not done by you?? IGNORE IT. The more you hurt, the happiest the "demotivator" will be.

          Focus on your life, just do what you want to do, dont hesitate  because you are the one who have the skills, knowledge how many time they can blame you and take advantages of you? They are just stepping your staircase to climb higher but you are using your own abilities to climb higher and higher and higher until one day they are not able to follow you..... as I mentioned, time proves everything.  But, as I mentioned before, you  must admit your mistakes if you did it, is ok to make mistakes.

      I think I can conclude this whole thing with:

" Think about the enemy u faced before, are they so important now?
    When you really think back, How many people appear in your life before?
    How are they right now????
    At the end, you will realize we are just a pass by customer in others life."

BY: KelvinMelody
Email: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com

Thursday 12 March 2015

Be a CONDOM in our life?

Hey everyone,
This will be new topic for today, I guess Most of you get attracted by the word CONDOM right?
So before I start my topic, I would like to tell you all what is CONDOM (just in case there is some readers who dont know what it is"

Condom a thin sheath, usually of very thin rubber, worn over the penis during sexual intercourse to prevent conception or sexually transmitted disease. In another word, it is just a rubber that people use it during sexual interaction. It can helps people to avoid unwanted disease such as AIDS. 

Ok, so now all of you have the basic knowledge of it...Let's go into the topic of today
"Dont Be A Condom In Our Life"

I take "condom" as an example for reason

Think about it, When people will use condom and why?

People need condom only when they need sex... Why? To protect themself or both parties or to avoid unwanted problems.

So get back to our reality, it is the same... If you are a condom in your life
It means that people will only find you when they need you,
People will only take advantage of you,
So what will they do after they take advantage from you???

They will throw you.... like a used condom

Learn to be something more useful, it is good to let people take advantage of you because it represent you are a trusted, responsible friends for them. But make yourself worth better, if not human will never appreciate what you had done to them.

Why dont make people remember you anytime anywhere? Do something big, something huge, to show them what you can do, dont hesitate on what you can do. Just do it, because I know you can...

Read more or follow me on FB:

BY: KelvinMelody

You can search me in twitter, wechat, facebook , instagram just look for the name : Kelvinmelody

Email: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com
let me know if you have any concern^^

Monday 2 February 2015

2015 Resolution by KelvinMelody

1.  Try a new pet every new months (at least two months add one)
Below are the things that I might try ( pop out from mind)





Reading is really good for ourself. I had bought some intersting and inspiration books from a book fair. So I guess it is time to set a target to finish them off. So ya! In order to get better and better, I feel that reading book is one of the step to become better.

3. Four digit number for my saving account
Keep earning money is my goal for this year, hope I can get what I want for this year. And save it for future use^^.

4.Be sincere about punctuality and commitments
I realize that I have a bad habit which is I always make delay on a lot of things. This year, I am gonna to change it in term of going class earlier and more.

5. Go for trips ownself
 Currently I dont have any place that I wish to go yet.... But will udate once My mind have anything^.^

6. Get what I want
 - I wish I can get a whole recording set
- A good watch
- A pair of good shoes
- 421 (car engine)

7. Be more serious and cruel enough
During year 2014, most of my friends claim that I am over care on a person or others, sometimes I can make myself in trouble just by helping them. But it is weird to ask me not help others when I see them need help..... Maybe this is a thing that quite hard for me to change.... but try my best be more cruel haha....

Erm, why i need to be more serious... because I feel it is time to learn when to serious and when not to....... in another word, it is time to let people see my serious side>.< (i guess this changes will make a lot people feel uncomfortable)

8. Learn to use video editting video and photoshop software
New year new skill, I hope I can learn more things in my life so it might help me on future somedays. Learning is not a bad thing anyway.. So I guess I justt keep going~~

9. Write more post about inspiration.
 As the motive from the beggining, I wish my readers or so call fans can get inspire or learn something new through reading my blog

10. Own Brand T shirt selling
- this is an ongoing process stuff which I am focus in.... so stay focus on my blog^^
