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Monday 26 May 2014

A deep Feeling of understanding a song

Do you ever heard a song that the lyrics were saying out what you want to say?
Do you ever understand the song just by listen to it?
What do you feel when you listen to some LOVE song??

I guess different people will have different feeling....
Before I had a relationship, I though that i really understand the meaning of the what we so call EMO song..
Is like a song that brings out a person that break up or have crush on a person that she/he didt love him/her

But after the moment I had failed to become a good boyfriend in a relationship(I been dumped|), i found out that I was just understanding the cover, the physical look of the lyrics... Because I had very big different feeling when I listen to the same song....

Actually, I love to listen to soft song, emo songs, marriage songs....
But now... I dont know why, I feel hurt, painful... Maybe I still miss her?
I dont know but I hope most of you are having a good relationship that never break up, because love pain is super painful and hurt......

It hurts alot......

Anyway, what I am trying to brings out in this post was nothing really important actually.... Just a feeling... Is like I dont know who to talk, Just trying to briefly split out what I feel( hahaa you all wont know the details of mine)  

I am a human too.... I have the time I do not feel happy, but REMEMBER, there are alot of HAPPY THINGS waiting for you, Open your eye... CHILLL^^

I miss her but just miss... I know there are no way we can get back together.....
wish she passed all those year well after she broke up with me...


Thursday 22 May 2014

My Geckos^,^ part 1

Hi Hi Hi, Yeah is me!Today I am going to share something exciting which I am going to introduce my pets. Actually the number of them will be increase on this SUNDAY..... But now I will just introduce whatever I have now.So I will introduce my pet, gecko. Actually they are tame, they wont bite people, many people feel it is scary but actually they are beautiful with their unique and they wont bite people. (the baby gecko might bite)>
This is my first gecko, female. I named her as "pain" because of some personal reason. It doest look so nice when i get her because she got frighten when she had been sent to my house. I remember she looks kind of dark and skinny when i get her, she didt eat on the first few days, but after that she eats like a beast. Yeah and she is sexy enough look at her tail and her skin>.< OMG . Just for your extra information, she is SHTC( oone type of gecko)
This is my second gecko,female too. I named her as "travel" because I swap one of my gecko with someone and she travel from very far to my place too haha so I named her as "travel". I like her because her stripes looks quite special and different. She looks white because she was going to change her skin soon, I had a video but will upload after two days when I get my new 11geckos. But the saddest things happened was I lost her..... She was pregnant that time, I seperated her with the male one and I put her into a shoes box which I forget there is a hole in the box. SHe ran away and I never saw her anymore until now. She had two eggs inside her stomatch that time... so sadT.T It will be my first hatching experience T.T
  Before she left, she took a selfie>.<
This is the moment when "Pains" and "Travel" met.

So currently this is what I have>.<! Stay tuned for this sunday because some big family is coming to join this gecko family! hahaha I am so excited!!!!! This sunday My gecko part 2!

Do You Really Know What You Want?

Do you ever feeling lost?
Is like You dont know the way to go home.....
Actually the feeling is same if you do not have a TARGET in your life.

What is your TARGET?
 Do you ever have a TARGET in your life? 
The TARGET can be small or big, it depends on yourself

Many people will ask, why do we need a target???
For my opinion, we can move to the direction we want in the shorter time if we know the direction of our target.
It is same with our DREAM. What is your dream?
If you dream to become a Singer, go for the competition or training for vocal, impossible you go for engineering course if you want to become singer . 

So that is why we need a target.... In our life, We might lost easily 
but the main reason is because we do not have a TARGET.

How to find out our own target??

1st step
Take out a pen and paper
2nd step
write out 5 long term target and 5 short terms target
3rd step
put it into your wallet or paste it on somewhere you will see it always
4th step
Try your best to achieve your targets
5th step
congratz you are going to have more new better target!!

what are you doing now?! now go and take a pen! write it out! stop complaining!


support my blog and follow me^.^ I will continue writting dont worry^^

Saturday 10 May 2014

How Mother's day exist? History of Mother's Day

Everyone was celebrating Mother's Day with their beloved mother or grandmother or more..... But how many people that celebrate Mother's day really know what is the origin story behind Mother's day???

Basic Knowledge of Mother's day

Founder of Mother's day

Mother's day also known as public holiday! We need to thanks to two great woman named Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jervis who brings out this day. In another words, they are the heroes that brings out the culture.

When and Where was Mother's day created?
It was created bt Julia Ward Hower and Anna Jervis on 1908. In the year 1908, Mother's Day had became official public holiday in United State.

More Details about Mother's day

How Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jervis brings out Mother's day?
In 1907, AnnaJervis held a cermony in Grafton, West Virginia in order to honor her mother who had died two years earlier. At that moment, Jervis's mother tried to establish Mother's Friendship day as she hopes it is a way to dealing with the aftermath of Civil War. After that, Anna Jervis began a campaign in order to create a national holiday. Mother's day is a day that we could show our honor and respect to our mother.

In 1872, Mother's day was suggested by Julia Ward Howe.
In 1910, West Virginia is the first state tat recognize this new holiday and all the nation followed in 1914 when President Wilson declared that the mother's day will be at the second Sunday in May. Jarvis used white carnation as a symbol for mother because Carnations(the photo above this paragraph is carnation) represent sweetness, pure and the endurance of mother's love. Nowadays, the white carnation represent a mother who was died and red carnation represent a living mother

Now, congratz, finally you have some knowledge of Mother's day

Anyway, no matter how, we still need to love and respect our Mother even Mother's day is not exist because she is the one who born us, without your mom, you are not able to read this article right now and you will never know how much pain it is when they born us( for boy)

Respect and

Greeting from KelvinMelody
