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Thursday 24 April 2014

"The reason I am Blogging? Money? Fame? Reputation?"(#5th request frrom reader,)

A lot of people will like to ask me, or some of them might feel weird that why I am writing blog?
Why not?... I mean why I cant write blog?
There are a lot of bloggers nowadays which affects a lot of people might think that bloggers write blog for money or fame.... Ya, there are some bloggers write blog for money but I am not...

The main reason I am writing blog is not because of either money or fame....
SHARING MY THOUGH TO THE WORLD is my main reason of writing blog,
I hope my unique though will read by others, You can choose to accept my thinking or ignore.... I dont mind but THIS IS WHO I AM......

Yes, I did create a fan page in FACEBOOK which name as "KelvinMelody" ( you may search in facebook if you wish to follow) But creating a fan page doest mean that I am trying to make my self popular
The reason I create a fan page is to make my readers and followers easier..... I  hope my readers and followers able to receive my newest update once I update my blog....

What is my blog about?
If you ever follow my blog, you will found out that my blog is about my viewpoint on everything.
My viewpoint might be not accept by everyone but I am believe and trust my viewpoint on everything because The different kind of view points on certain thing make myself UNIQUE

Most of the time, People are afraid to be a jerk, what is jerk?
We might get involve in different kinds of troubles in our life if we are different,
For example, if you are gay, you might be becoming a person that people dont like....
Or, you might have different kind of though on certain sensitive topics, you also might be a weirdo

But I dont mind to be a weirdo because weirdo is special.....
I didt expect everyone to accept who I am.... Because I believe somedays
Someone will accept who I am

EMAIL: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com

Thursday 17 April 2014

How To Taste Your Memory? What is your best Memory?


What is the thing comes out from your mind when you saw the word "MEMORY'?
-your first relationship?
-your siblings or parents?
-Bad memories?
-Good memories?
-The first time you doing something?
-Your friend?

There are a bunch of memories we have..... Yeah... a bunch...
You know, memories are a good thing, because Memories tastes nice...
Taste it if you do not believe me.....^.^
I will teach you how I taste my Memories......

Close your eye...... Try to open the window or do it in a space that you can feel the wind.......
Now Close your eye.... Take a big breath....... Try to recall your own memories.... 

Dont know what memories you are trying to recall???

Here is the best part, try and clear your mind now and relax your mind...
Start to think something ... just think everything that just happened.... and continue....


Dont be afraid if you recall the memories that you think it is bad because I believe that every bad memories also has the own good memories... Try to think about it, what is the good things that happened in the bad memories? And sometimes, at the end, you will realize that having a bad Memories could become a very very good memories for you to recall.......

I am sure some of the readers are thinking that why I am writting this? You might be feeling that it is a stupid essay, while you feel so, why dont you try and follow what I just said? You will taste the Memories..... You will think differently, today my main purpose of this post is trying to teach all of you how to relax yourself mentally and dont be afraid of recalling memories.....

Maybe you may say ZEN mode.....
For me, there is no best MEMORIES, BUT there is only Memories because every memories can be nice to aftertaste.

You can email me if you have any concern about any problems, I will try mybest to answer you
Email: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kelvinmelody-%E6%97%8B%E6%80%9D/813157458701116

Monday 14 April 2014


 Hi again, it had been a long time I did not update my blog due to some personal problems. Actually I was quite busy recently, I was busy on my events... I joined quite a few events as committee. Actually the main reason I stop blogging is "laziness" haha...... Ok, Actually I would like to share some experiences that I just experienced few days ago.

     Actually it was quite stupid. Let went back to last thursday, I started feeling not well, and I decided to go for doctor on Sunday because I really feeling sick badly. I went to NCI hospital, and I really not happy with their service. I guess the Doctor though I am a bad student who is trying to get MC in order to skip class, I will say she is not a good doctor if that is not what she thinks. I was very suffer that time because of my sickness, I feel hot + cold. I cant describe that feeling, but the feeling was totally not nice at all....

Doctor: Tell me, what happen?
Me: I am feeling not well, and I suspect I got dengue or measles can I have blood test?
Doctor: Ok, let me check, Open your mouth please.

she checked my throat....

Doctor: Ok Kelvin, Actually you just have a simple sore throat, so tomorrow you still need to went for                        classes. You look fine too,
Me: But I am feeling not well, I dont even eat for this few days
Doctor: You are just a spoiled kid, you should take care yourself, all your symtoms is just your imagination...              You just have a simple sore throat that all, so pelase get a jacket if you feel cold and go to class                      tomorrow...I will give you anti biotic for your sore throat.
Me: Lol...... Ok thanks

You know, I was feeling angry that moment because she scold me as spoil kid. If I want to get MC, will I spend so much money to get a MC? I can just choose to go clinic. I went to hospital it means that I know something wrong on my body

After 3 days, I was surprise went I went to toilet because I saw a lot of red dots on my body, and I ask my friend fetch me to NCI hospital again. Luckily, the doctor is better than the first time, she allow me to do blood test and it shows that I got denggue( from the result). And yeah, I got dengue

Here is the few ways how I cope with dengue which really effective:
1. Take PAPAYA LEAVE ( at least 3) and minced it become water....
Drink it..... (it would be very very disgusting) but you need to drink it because it will help you to recover in a short time.

2. Drink water, spam water to your mouth, and you will recover~~~ hahaha no other choices, just drink water......

3. Strongly recommend you all to drink PAPAYA leaf because it is very effective, I tried~~~