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Wednesday 1 January 2014

Be What You are, Live like a firework

                 I have so feeling while I was walking on the road at Jonker when 2014 was coming..... I went to Jonker Street but I walked alone after before 2014 came. Yeah, I saw alot of things while I was walking on the road, backstreet, I passed by the Malacca River. Before the firework started, I remember, the light from Lamppost hit on me,.... It gave me a feeling a though, Yeah I was alone standing under the light, I will always let myself involve in this situation because that is the time that I will think alot, I get my idea from there. Yeah, I walked through the back street of Casa De Rio Hotel and passed through the Malacca River,I saw a lot of couples, families were gathering together because they are waiting the coming 2014. I saw a couple of people sitting along the river( I feel like want to push them down to the river) TROLL XD just joking, ya they are sweet.... I hope they will be together forever. While I was walking half way, I heard people were shouting, screaming, cheering

"10!!!" "9!!!""8!!!""7!!!""6!!!"5!!!''3!!!'2!!!'1!!!!! happy new year!!! Ya that was climax of the day, the couples hug together, (some of the tourist kissed each other)>.< so sweet right? Ya and the fire works started to bloom on the sky.

Different kind of color, different kind of sound, different kind of shape... The different type of fireworks blooming on the sky one by one, they have the same objective at the beginning of their journey as a firework, they fly straight as high as possible as they could and they will have their own shape,color,style when they explode...

It is same with our human, we born to have our own dream, we born to learn in our begiining of our life, but at the end, we have the right to choose what we are, what kind of person we are,.... As you can see,  There are alot type of fireworks with different sound color and pattern, and different people will dislike certain style of it and different people will like certain style of the fire work. It is same with our human, we born to have our own choice one day, NO, you have your own choice all the time, but you must remember FLY AS HIGH AS YOU CAN LIKE THE FIREWORK , the higher you reached, the more successful you are, at the same time NO MATTER HOW HIGH YOU FLY, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DISLIKE OR LIKE YOU, WHAT YOU CAN DO IS JUST TRUST YOURSELF AND KEEP FLYING HIGHER AND HIGHER     appreciate.... If you give up yourself easily, you will become the spoiled firework which always bloom themself when they are at the lower side.....

   Why dont you bloom youself nicely, bloom as big as you can? Why not? You already born in this world, you have no choice to reject the truth that you born to become human especially when you are reading this post..... So why dont you make your life become colorful? Remember, some people like red, some people dont..... No matter how, there are people who support you and be your side, share your things to your friend no matter how strong how tough you are because no one is born to be alone.....

Written by: KelvinMelody
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