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Thursday 9 January 2014

#3 request from my reader" Why you dont study Music since you love music?".

               Sorry for my readers, I stop blogging for quit many days due to my personal problem which is my laziness but I will try to avoid same thing happened again hahaha

                    Ok, yesterday, I received an email from my readers and he/she asked me about my music life, he/she asked, why dont I choose to study Music? Why I choose to study Business since I like Music???
And the same thing happened many times before this because many people asked me same question before, and I will give you my definition of MUSIC because some of the people do not know what MUSIC IS.

              For me, Music can be everything. In another word, Music can be abstract ambiguous and arbitrary. Music will never gone in our life, I treat Music like a god ...Why? Think about it, music can be everything, why?? Look around you my friends, any sound can be music and it depends how you enjoy it. No matter who you are, no matter what illness you have, Music can be in our heart that is why I said Music is a GOD. Did you ever sing by your heart? Yeah, because Music is exist everywhere anytime any place as long you want, you cant touch it but you can feel it. 

 "Music is a SOUL of our life,A life without music is not a life"  BY KelvinMelody

               Many people asked me why dont I choose Music to study? My answer will be, Yes, I did though of study Music before, but after a deep though, I choose to not study Music because I dont think Music is a thing to study but it is a thing to let you feel by your heart. I might not a professional Musician, I dont have a lot of skills that can play alot of wonderful songs, but I never look down or regret my self to get know what Music is because there are no Level between Human and Music. A lot of  so call "proffesional Musician" can play alot of wonderful songs, but they do not know the meaning of Music, they play music for other purpose. To show off? To earn money? To look cool?

No For my, Music is a thing that so call "GOD"

Here is my own cover, This is the song that bring me to Music Area, and I really happy to know what music is. And I hope you all will like my cover even it is a Mandarin song, But Music can be enjoy by everyone even you dont know what the lyrics is, feel it by your heart. Suscribe me and give me some comments thanks^.^ 

By: KelvinMelody.

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