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Saturday 5 November 2016

What to do to change the world?

Who Killed Our Own Dream?
I believe that every being in the earth or in the universe exist for a reason. Remember when you were young, you have a lot of dream. You might wish to become superman, superhero , artist or more, but what stopped you? Is it life stops you? Reality stop you? Nope..... we ourself are the one who killed our own dream. 

What is rich?
When we come to the reality, lot people gave up their dream because they are looking for wealthy lifetyle which mean being rich. But ask yourself, what is rich? I believe everyone has their own definition on being rich in this world. But there is a lot of people dont even know how much they want to earn because they might think to be rich, but when you ask them to define how rich they want to become, they are not able to describe. Why? Because reality? Nope... Our own MINDSET, PERCEPTION changed us. We used to have dream why? It is because we never consider about anything and just focus on what we want to become. Most of the time, when people say reality destroy their dream... Think carefully, the main reason is who? who made the decision? 

PHD, Pain , Hunger, Desire
 Instead of being rich, I will prefer more to become successful and a person that respect by others or able to help to change the world to become a better place. But, if you want to become rich or very successful... There is one thing we need to be insist of in order to become either rich or success which is PHD. You need to have the ability to adapt the pain, you need to have hunger and desire to fight for your dream... AND guess what... the pathway is NOT EASY. 

Be Yourself
 A lot of times, we tend to give up because we saw someone better than us, we gave up cause someone criticize us. There is more factor that caused a person to give up it might be the criticize from your sibling or family. But I can simplify everything just with one thing... BE YOURSELF. When you believe this is the choice you want to make, go for it.. For me, even you fall down in the process you are still the successor because you fight for your dream. It is not about the result, it is about how you spend your life. Being yourself, you will find that everything is more happy. When you start to being yourself and being positive, you will realize the people surrounding you will start to support you and the people surrounding you will be more positive because I always believe Positive energy will attract Positive Energy group of people.

 In a very short conclusion, BEING YOURSELF is a very important step that we should look into. It sounds easy but how many really manage to that? You want to change your friend to become a better person? you want to change the world to accept you? Being yourself and keep improve yourself, by the time you will realize you started to change to world.

By KelvinMelody

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