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Saturday 6 December 2014


Hi again to my followers,
This post will be the part 2 of my food adventure at AVENUE K,
You may go to if you missed out the part 1, Maison Delight Chocolatier

The Part 2 of my Food Adventure Avenue K will be discuss about another strongly recommended shop  which is " TSUKEMEN & Izakaya Ie Yasu"   (The shop name is quite long, hahaha)

There are few reasons that I strongly recommended this shop to all of you:
1. Comfortable and Relaxing
2. Good and Friendly service provided
3. Good Environment
4. Delicious food
5. Reasonable Price

Before I continue discuss about this shop, I would like to tell you that this shop is a "NON HALAL" shop.Sorry if this post offended to the people who is taking Halal's Food....(dont worry, I will recommend Halal's shop too next time^.^)

Let me show you some photos about the shop^^

This is how it looks alike. As you can see, the shop is clean. For the non-smoker, you will not need worry about the smoker because "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" Did provide a smoking area for the smokers as you can see from the first photo. The smoker can smokes at there and have their meal at the same time.

So after looking at the relaxing environment, I feel so excited because I am wondering how does the food of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" taste like?

I feel hungry and want to order everything inside the list when I look at the menu because all the food looks nice. At the end, I asked the employees of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" to recommend any food. and then...... here is the food!!!

This is one of the food that they recommended, it call "Dipling noodle" 
I guess one of the reason that they recommend this to me is because It really special and by having this "dipling noodle", they provided 5 types of different sauces for me to try:
1. Soy sauces (left top)
2. Miso (right top)
3. Sesami (left bottom)
4. Tomato& cheese(right btm)
5. Jaapanese curry ( right hand side one)

Every sauces have their own unique, for my personal recommendation, I feel "Sesami Sauces" is the best among the five sauces

Do you realize there is a rice ball ?? That one is the dish that you should eat after you finish your noodle (told by the worker)

Then I also order some other nice food:
1. Salmon Shashimi
2. Grilled fish of Mackerel
3.White Tuna Sashimi

Haha, feeling hungry right now? Dont hesitate, go to Avenue K, top floor. You will found this shop!!! "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"

Enough for photo^^ Below is some details of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" . Read it if you are interested to know more instead of looking at the photo^^

Some Details OF "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"

From the menu of ""Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu" . It stated that their Genuie Tsuken-Men (noodle) is 100% using high quality flour and I believe it is a true statement after I tried it because the noodle of it really taste different compare with the noodle from outside.

Before this, we need to go to TOKYO in order to try this Genuie Tsuken-Men, but now, guess what, it is in Malaysia! You can taste the wonderful noodle without going to TOKYO!!!! At AVENUE K!!

Some extra story while I having meals at "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"
This is the Menu of "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"

My girlfriend taking photo with all the waiters!! They are extremely friendly

Hahaha I am trying to take "profesional photo"!! hhahaha hope you guys enjoy it!!!

People say writting blog is an easy task. But for me, I think even it is easy, I need to put effort on it in order to make sure my followers enjoy reading myblog, thats why I record everything in a small note before I start to enjoy!
So please stay focus on my blog! hahaha I will continue writting^^

To contact "Tsukemen &Izakaya Ie Yasu"


Tuesday 2 December 2014

"Food Adventure at AvenueK part1,Maison Delights Chocolatier"

This is my first time to get this kind of special offer which I had been given a "passport" which allow me to eat 20 outlets to try all the foods and write review about it.
 (this is the 20 outlets that I had been requested to visit)

(Let's start the food hunting along with the "food passport"

I am not going to write step by step on which outlets that I went to. But there is one shop that gave me a very good impression which is "Maison Dlights Chocolatier". 

Erm, There is some reasons that why I have good impression on this shop is because something happened while I looking for this shop.

Do you ever heard about treasure ? We know that in order to achieve good things, we should work harder and it require effort and skill to achieve a certain thing. "Maison Dlights Chocolatier".  is one of the treasure because the chocolate of this small shop is delicious but you will never realize it if you didt put your eye on it because I almost pass by this shop if the owner of the shop smile to me.

So ya, I had not much comment on the chocolate because basically the chocolate is nice.
The moment I go to him, he open a small box which contain 4 types of small chocolate which are pure dark chocolate, dark chocolate, normal chocolate and white chocolate.

The Mystery Part  of this chocolates are they taste extremely nice( no joke) compare to other chocolate even the chocolate that I had tried is a small chips of chocolate.

Enough for reading, Before I continue details, I show you some photo of it^^

(Can you imagine, all this Nice chocolate only cost you rm15!!!!)

(This one will be a good gift for you to give your lover anytime, The sweetness of the chocolate will make your lover feels how much you love him/her)


(An overview of it stall)

1.Do you know why this Chocolate is different from others? 
 The reasons that made this chocolate taste nice and natural because it is 100% pure chocolate and it is a homemade product!!! it is HOMEMADE CHOCLATE!!!

You all might not know why I am so excited, I am excited because it is quite difficult to find people who homemade choclate and there are some benefits of taking Homemade chocolate especially the chocolate homemade by MAISON DILIGHTS CHOCOLATIER because it does not contain any preservatives.  There are alot of chocolate that taste nice but they dont taste natural because they added preservatives or other materials. For MAISON DLIGHTS CHOCOLATIER, IT only produces 100% pure cocoa butter's chocolate for the consumers because they insists that the natural of chocolate is the best product to serve the public.

It is useless for me to keep describing how nice is the chocolate because you will never know how nice it tastes if you just reading my blog. But trust me,... the Chocolate that produce by MAISON DILGIGHTS CHOCLATE is very nice.

Taking Photo with the Stall of Maison Dilights Chocolatier
Some details of this shop

Above this two photos are the name card that given by the owner of this "Maison Delights Chocolatier" You can scan their Fb code here if you want, andyou may contact the number on the namecard if you want to have a taste of the chocolate! Grab the number and save it down fast
 012-6436816, Kevin Tan

What kinf of services did Maison Delight Provide?
- It allow people to order for event, wedding, or more.
-They can customize the cover of the chocolate that you requested.

Additional story of this shop

There is another reason which makes me remember this stall because the name of the owner almost same with me! His name was Mr.Kevin and my name is Kelvin, he dont have the alphabet "L" hahaha~~ sounds so wrong right?????

From the conversation between me and him, I can conclude that this owner is friendly because we talk like best friend even we just met for few seconds, and i keep tease him~~~ hahahaha
I keep ask" is this shop?is this shop?" because I doubt whether it this the shop i looking when I passed by his stall. haha. 

He is quite handsome too~ lucky i did take a photo with him~~
hahahah this is the owner of "Maison DLights Chocolatier"!!!!!
The moment when I look back this photo, i just realize something scary.... He looks like me~~~ Our face seem abit same.... hahaha
I remember I tease him that he is more handsome with formal shirt which show in the newspaper in his stalll

Bye Maison Dlight Chocolatier.... I willmiss you and the owner~~ Bye Mr. Kelvin that without "L", Kevin

Again, A reminder, pick up your phone save down every information of this chocolate company because you might need it someday when you marry or your sibling marry or valentine days

Company name: Maison Dlights
Name: Kevin Tan
Phone no:+60126436816
Email: maisondlights@hotmail.my

by: Kelvinmelody

Friday 21 November 2014

"The Hidden Details of Life"

I had stop to write new post after sometimes because I am busy recently and I am not able to think of any nice topic to write. But today I am going to share something that should be known by all of us. Basically we already know about it, but maybe because it already become a common thing which affect people start to forget about it.

Let get back to my style of writing... I will ask a question for you guys to think first because you will think really different if you answer every question that I had written to you.

1. Did you ever suddenly fight or far away with a person who used to close to you ? Or you might feel there are barriers between both of you

For example, your friends might be used to talking with you excited always and close to you. Then they will start avoid meeting you and suddenly he/she lost or not talking to you like before anymore

What you feel when your friend or your sibling or any people who you care do this to you? Mostly, we will blame others on why they suddenly change idea or changing of attitudes. 

BUT! Do you ever think why all this happen....?

Mostly, you will never understand the reason about why they leave if you never think it seriously

It is because of the some details that happen in the daily life which changed his/her attitude?

For example, someone that you think you care suddenly leave you, and be silent no matter what you do, he/she started to lazy report everything to you which she/he used to do after going certain places or he/she might be stop talk about how he/she feels.

Yeah~ I guess you will have some ideas on what I am talking about now.
Yes, did you ever really take it serious when he/she used to talk to you? Or request something from you?How many times of being ignore had he/she received from you before he/she started to stop complaining, talking or sharing or request something to you?
Actually today topic is a little similar with the previous post "Appreciate". Most of the times, we people used to ignore or forget the important/goods of a person until the day we lost it....
But why? Why human must be so stupid? Why only regret when something lost... It this a symbol that human deserve to be treat like that? 

NO! We deserve to become better and better in order to create a better new generation, a better future. But before we want to become better and better.... We need to learn the word "appreciate"


My friends... Open your eyes @.@ look at the people that surrounding you... Who are the people who are always expect something from you? Who are the people that put hope on you? Who are the people who care you?
Start to think about it before too late... ^.^

You may email me if you dont understand what I am talking about or you have any concern in your daily life.
Your infomation will be safe with me^^
Emal: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com


Friday 3 October 2014

What life means?

A very simple question, what LIFE means?

Everyone who survive in this world are having their "LIFE" since the first day they had born. The moment we success compete with all the others competitor and become the first one who able to reach deep inside ovum, it is the time where our life start. Sounds like nonsense haha......
Yes, our life start once we born out which mean everyone have "life" but how  many people really know what LIFE means?

It is suppose to be peaceful all the way?
It is suppose to be sad all the way??
Your life is on your hand..............

So how to have a meaningful life? In order to have a meaningful life, it is a MUST for us to pass through all types of situation including sad, happy or not happy or anything else.......

The happy thing can be the moment you achieve your dream, can be the moment you be with your lover, can be the moment you get something you want, can be very simple as long you happy^^

The sad thing can be when  you lose a competition, when you saw your lover sad, can be the moment when you fail in your dream or more......

Life, is like a recycle, it is a MUST for us to pass through certain thing, such as dying, seperate and more....... No one born to be lonely forever and no one born to be with someone forever.....

Based on my own experienced, The best way to let yourself improve yourself effectively is by learning how to be lonely..... learn to be your own.... The moment you are able to handle lonely, you are GOD.  How many people learnt to be alone????  Not much , because being alone is very scary and very stressfull. Never afraid of lonely because lonely will make you become weaker and stupid.

In our life, we might met alot of hardships, it can be friendship, relationship, family, finance or more..... but we must know that every hardships we met is a test for us , it is a test that allow to test ourself whether we are able to handle the hardship, but it is not a reason for us to give up anything.....
We should take the hardships as our lesson and try to become better and better because we will become more mature in the future. Dnt be afraid of the hardship, stand up and face it. When a person cry, despair, after few times, it is ok to cry, but we must stand up after we cry, because crying is only a way to release your stress but not a way to help you solve your question or problems. Stand up after you cried and show your smile to others^^ be strong ( like what I did always is i will tell myself to be strong in front of mirror)

Life can be complicated also when we discuss about feeling such as all of those relationship because we human has feeling which might affect our decision, the decision might also affect which kind of hardships we or you will met. For example Love......

In conclusion, Life is beautiful, and complicated, it depends how you are going to pass to through it , the attitude that you use in your life will decide which kind of life you will have......

postive or negative??Decide yourself....

Wednesday 3 September 2014

“think too much, a good thing or bad thing?

Think too much? are you a person who think too much always?
Did you imagine what will happen next before you make your move or decisions??
Did you ever feel worry how others look at you?

So, the tittle today is “think too much, a good thing or bad thing?"

Erm, I do not know whether it is a good thing or bad thing, it depends on how you apply on it.
But there are also pros and cons by think too much

a. better decision
- when you think, we will try to imagine several situation and we will choose the best situation before we made the final decision, it helps us to make better decision cause it is a final choice through alot of expectation or imagination.
B-reduce unwanted conflicts
- it will reduce conflicts because we will not choose to do something if we think before we do, so it helps us to reduce the chances of having conflict 
a. lost confident
- because when we think too much, worry too much, we will easy lose our confident on certain task such as, relationship, friendship and more.
b. never live peaceful 
-when we chose to worry this and that, our life wil never peaceful because we will busy thinking what will happen next, what others think of ourself, or more.

There are still alot of pros and cons for think too much.... but let's get back to the tittle, is it a good thing or a bad thing?

For me, there are no good or bad, it depends on how you apply this skill in your life, if you choose to think tooo much for everything single thing, i guess it is a bad thing because as above mentioned,your life will ful of stress. We need to learn to be CALM, try your best to stop thinking unnecessary thing. Sometimes, you expect or though that others will think so and so, but at the end you will realize that actually you are the only one in the whole "movie", You will feel yourself are the only person that act like a dumb in that movie. But human is a complicated creatures, some of the people still willing to choose to think a lot even they know they are an idiot, I dont know why, maybe they born to be like this? or maybe they are target for something? 

what yours?

By: KelvinMelody

Thursday 7 August 2014

Did you give remote control of yourself to the people around you?

Remote control ? Remote is a device that able to control a specify thing.

But, the remote control I want to discuss about in this post is an "INVINCIBLE REMOTE" 

We are human, all of us know about it, and we know our brain is our remote control that control us, our movement, thought , whatever you do, is because of your brain. But there is an INVISIBLE REMOTE will appears if you lack of trust on yourself.

How does the remote control will appear? Where will it appears?
It will be the people around you or it can be everyone.......

Do you ever feel sad because of a word or some criticize from others people?
Do you ever have this experienced? 

-At first, you feel very confident on your Idea or though, but it did not get well respond from others and you feel disappointed, and you start to believe them that your idea is wrong~
-Or did you ever give up your DREAM because everyone reject your dream?
-Or did you ever give up to be your own self because others feel your attitude or management style is wrong?

Why???? Because you already gave all those people the invisible remote control to control your though and action.

The main point that I want to share to all of you is about BELIEVING YOURSELF

No matter how good you become, you must know one lesson which there are still people will feel you are wrong. But what for you care about them? You are improving, and they are just some keyboard fighter or bullshit people. No matter who you are, there are people who likes you or dislikes you, no matter what you do, there are people who agree you or disagree you

Believe yourself, go straight to your dream and idea, dont give up your idea or thought, it might be reject by others at first, they will say you are freak because they never saw your WONDERFUL idea, they reject to become better. So what are you waiting for? Stand up, Look at mirror, tell yourself,  
"i am the best"

FROM: KelvinMelody

Sunday 20 July 2014

对不起 "sorry"

你知道吗? “对不起”  这三个简单的字, 可以改变很多事情的结果。

很多时候,我们在路上被人撞, 你会怎么做?

如果你是选择 D,说一句对不起,我会觉得你很有风度。


例如,我记得有一次我在走街时,有一个很凶的男性同胞不小心撞了我, 他直接瞪着我(好像要打架的感觉),我说了一句对不起,他就和我微微笑回然后就没事情了。想象,如果我没说对不起反而悬着和他理论,是不是到最后也许我们会打架?或闹到很多事情?



面子真的那么重要?有时候,我们争吵争取到了我们想要的东西。。到最后,你会发现一场空。。。忍一时风平浪静。。。。 微笑带过,对你自己也好,对他人也好。。。

三个字“对不起" 看似简单,但你愿意说嘛?

记得, 当你争吵的时候,想清楚你要的是什么?
吵了有用吗? 你得到什么?

"Sorry" it seems simple, but how many people willing to say it out?
How many times you scold or fight with your friend just for a little case?
How many times you regret after the conflict?

"sorry" this word, can change the world become more peaceful if everyone know how to apply it.
Sometimes, it not about who is wrong or right, we can choose to say sorry even if we did not do anything wrong..

What do you fight for? What is the purpose of your conflic? It is worth to fight after you get what you want from the conflict?
 Most of the times, we will realize we are so stupid and empty inside our heart after the conflict. Because you might lost alot through conflict such as LOVE, FAMILY LOVE, RELATIONSHIP, FRIENDSHIP

A lot of times, we might fight for our pride, or fame. But do you think the fight can claim back what you want?
A successful people will just be silent, because times will prove everything

Remember, the people who trust you will trust you no matter what happen
the people who are not trust on you, it will be useless for u to explain no matter what you say, because for the people who dont trust you, they will think your word are bullshit

Monday 30 June 2014

Demon or Angel?

Do you people believe? or Did you ever feel that you have two personalities?
I categories it becomes two groups which are the Demon and Angel.
It is simple to understand because all of us know what Demon symbolize, what Angel symbolize.

I define the Angel as the bright side of ourselves, the good side of yours, it mostly guide you to do something good. 
How about Demon? It is the opposite side of the bright side, the darkness side of ourselves, it mostly guide us to do something bad.

Basically, this is what I imagine. Above photo shows that, there are half Angel and Half Demon of ourselves. Do you believe that? So, if it is real, do you realize which one is the real you?
The Demon Or The Angel?

Most of the times, we wish we are the Angel, but Demon are strong which it cans attracts and control us through our desire. What to you think about Demon? When it will comes out? 
Most of the times, Demon comes out WITHOUT you notice about it.

I believe that, the Demon comes out when we have the desire. Other than that, there are one more situation where the Demon start to take over you, ourselves. When???? The moment we have no HOPE, the moment we are having stress, depress. It is easy for Demon to take over ourselves if we give up easily. There is only one thing you can defeat the Demon in your darkness side, which is YOURSELF.

So now here is the question, which one will help us to become a better person? The dark side or the bright side?

Here is my answer, you are who you are, Bright side or the Dark side? Who cares? If you able to control the Dark side of you, you also can make it as a weapon of yourself,"

When I talk about weapon, it doest mean that it necessary to hurt people, but  it is a weapon that make you to become better, and help You to overcome every hardships you faced.

So what is your answer? The DEMON or ANGEL?


Tuesday 3 June 2014

My Gecko 2

So, as I promised, today I will introduce all of my geckos!!!! ok, let start one by one>.<! The first one I would like to introduce the one who just give me a surprise!
See, this is what I saw this morning, this is a very wonderful egg, she had lay a egg before this, but i dunno why the egg was broken and the egg was smaller too, but this time it looks perfect( the egg).
So this is the SHTC gecko, I haven give them name but will try to give them name one by one as soon as possible. He looks skinny because he dont like to eat mealworms, he only eat crickets. I am trying to pump him to become bigger size.


This is a fierce one, the first day I got him, he looks very scare and agressive, but he looks better and feeling comfortable after few days i fed him>.< He is fierce but i like it cause it is cool.

Snow Templer (female)
 This is a female gecko, look nice right? I hope she will produce a good next generation hehe, I love it skin color~~ cool, but dunno why she dont wnat to eat for some times dy, I guess she still haven get used to the environment....

mack snow bell snake eyes (female)
   This is one of my favourite, she had a snake eye, cool, she is trying to escape from it place when I am trying to take photo of others. Escape plan fail XD.

She looks skinny because she just lay eggs, will feed her crickets or dubias in order to make her fatter again, thanks to her>.< she is a good mom!

MACK SNOW(female)
 This is a female, there are two eggs inside her stomatch now, thats why she looks fat , she is going to be mama soon, waiting for her to lay her eggs.

 I have 4 juvias, in this photo it looks bigger, dont get scam by the photo hahaha, this is the biggest oe actually, his skin color is changing to the awesome color soon thats why there are some yellow dots all over its body, this is a male one.... the other three still unknown about the sex

 This is a male mack snow, he is father already because the previous female mack snow pregnant because of him, he is good in sex hahahahahah JKJKJK

This is male super snow, he is going to become father soon too, the eggs still inside his "wife" stomatch, hope everything will be fine and produce good product hehehe.
They all are awesome right? Actually I also will confuse about their types sometimes, hehehe they all are in good condition and good quality^^ Dont be afraid of them, they are beautiful in their own ways^^ hehehehehehe

Email: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com