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Monday 30 June 2014

Demon or Angel?

Do you people believe? or Did you ever feel that you have two personalities?
I categories it becomes two groups which are the Demon and Angel.
It is simple to understand because all of us know what Demon symbolize, what Angel symbolize.

I define the Angel as the bright side of ourselves, the good side of yours, it mostly guide you to do something good. 
How about Demon? It is the opposite side of the bright side, the darkness side of ourselves, it mostly guide us to do something bad.

Basically, this is what I imagine. Above photo shows that, there are half Angel and Half Demon of ourselves. Do you believe that? So, if it is real, do you realize which one is the real you?
The Demon Or The Angel?

Most of the times, we wish we are the Angel, but Demon are strong which it cans attracts and control us through our desire. What to you think about Demon? When it will comes out? 
Most of the times, Demon comes out WITHOUT you notice about it.

I believe that, the Demon comes out when we have the desire. Other than that, there are one more situation where the Demon start to take over you, ourselves. When???? The moment we have no HOPE, the moment we are having stress, depress. It is easy for Demon to take over ourselves if we give up easily. There is only one thing you can defeat the Demon in your darkness side, which is YOURSELF.

So now here is the question, which one will help us to become a better person? The dark side or the bright side?

Here is my answer, you are who you are, Bright side or the Dark side? Who cares? If you able to control the Dark side of you, you also can make it as a weapon of yourself,"

When I talk about weapon, it doest mean that it necessary to hurt people, but  it is a weapon that make you to become better, and help You to overcome every hardships you faced.

So what is your answer? The DEMON or ANGEL?


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