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Friday 21 November 2014

"The Hidden Details of Life"

I had stop to write new post after sometimes because I am busy recently and I am not able to think of any nice topic to write. But today I am going to share something that should be known by all of us. Basically we already know about it, but maybe because it already become a common thing which affect people start to forget about it.

Let get back to my style of writing... I will ask a question for you guys to think first because you will think really different if you answer every question that I had written to you.

1. Did you ever suddenly fight or far away with a person who used to close to you ? Or you might feel there are barriers between both of you

For example, your friends might be used to talking with you excited always and close to you. Then they will start avoid meeting you and suddenly he/she lost or not talking to you like before anymore

What you feel when your friend or your sibling or any people who you care do this to you? Mostly, we will blame others on why they suddenly change idea or changing of attitudes. 

BUT! Do you ever think why all this happen....?

Mostly, you will never understand the reason about why they leave if you never think it seriously

It is because of the some details that happen in the daily life which changed his/her attitude?

For example, someone that you think you care suddenly leave you, and be silent no matter what you do, he/she started to lazy report everything to you which she/he used to do after going certain places or he/she might be stop talk about how he/she feels.

Yeah~ I guess you will have some ideas on what I am talking about now.
Yes, did you ever really take it serious when he/she used to talk to you? Or request something from you?How many times of being ignore had he/she received from you before he/she started to stop complaining, talking or sharing or request something to you?
Actually today topic is a little similar with the previous post "Appreciate". Most of the times, we people used to ignore or forget the important/goods of a person until the day we lost it....
But why? Why human must be so stupid? Why only regret when something lost... It this a symbol that human deserve to be treat like that? 

NO! We deserve to become better and better in order to create a better new generation, a better future. But before we want to become better and better.... We need to learn the word "appreciate"


My friends... Open your eyes @.@ look at the people that surrounding you... Who are the people who are always expect something from you? Who are the people that put hope on you? Who are the people who care you?
Start to think about it before too late... ^.^

You may email me if you dont understand what I am talking about or you have any concern in your daily life.
Your infomation will be safe with me^^
Emal: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com


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