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Saturday 5 November 2016

What to do to change the world?

Who Killed Our Own Dream?
I believe that every being in the earth or in the universe exist for a reason. Remember when you were young, you have a lot of dream. You might wish to become superman, superhero , artist or more, but what stopped you? Is it life stops you? Reality stop you? Nope..... we ourself are the one who killed our own dream. 

What is rich?
When we come to the reality, lot people gave up their dream because they are looking for wealthy lifetyle which mean being rich. But ask yourself, what is rich? I believe everyone has their own definition on being rich in this world. But there is a lot of people dont even know how much they want to earn because they might think to be rich, but when you ask them to define how rich they want to become, they are not able to describe. Why? Because reality? Nope... Our own MINDSET, PERCEPTION changed us. We used to have dream why? It is because we never consider about anything and just focus on what we want to become. Most of the time, when people say reality destroy their dream... Think carefully, the main reason is who? who made the decision? 

PHD, Pain , Hunger, Desire
 Instead of being rich, I will prefer more to become successful and a person that respect by others or able to help to change the world to become a better place. But, if you want to become rich or very successful... There is one thing we need to be insist of in order to become either rich or success which is PHD. You need to have the ability to adapt the pain, you need to have hunger and desire to fight for your dream... AND guess what... the pathway is NOT EASY. 

Be Yourself
 A lot of times, we tend to give up because we saw someone better than us, we gave up cause someone criticize us. There is more factor that caused a person to give up it might be the criticize from your sibling or family. But I can simplify everything just with one thing... BE YOURSELF. When you believe this is the choice you want to make, go for it.. For me, even you fall down in the process you are still the successor because you fight for your dream. It is not about the result, it is about how you spend your life. Being yourself, you will find that everything is more happy. When you start to being yourself and being positive, you will realize the people surrounding you will start to support you and the people surrounding you will be more positive because I always believe Positive energy will attract Positive Energy group of people.

 In a very short conclusion, BEING YOURSELF is a very important step that we should look into. It sounds easy but how many really manage to that? You want to change your friend to become a better person? you want to change the world to accept you? Being yourself and keep improve yourself, by the time you will realize you started to change to world.

By KelvinMelody

Friday 22 July 2016

Product Review Fully Aluminium Trackless Gate System ,"EzGate"

Hey guys, today it will be going to be like an advertisement's  post because it is regarding a product that I had approach this few months, it will be a very good information for you guys especially for those we plan to have renovation or change your main gate. The brand that I am going to introduce is call Ezgate, a Fully Alluminium Gate System. It can be with track our without track(trackless). Let me show you guys the logo of this brand.

Actually this photo I get it from their Fan page in Facebook and from the fan page of Ezgate you able to go to their official website

Website of Ezgate's Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/ezgatedelux/?fref=ts
Official Website of Ezgate: www.ezgate.com.my

Let's go straight to the point. Why I recommend this brand?

4 Main Factor that I strongly recommend this brand

1.) Fully Aluminum
2.) Trackless
3.) Trusted brand and Good service
4.) Low maintenance
5.) Unique technology
6.) Unique and exquisite Design

Fully Aluminum
Nowadays, Ezgate is only focusing on fully aluminum gate system because it will reduce the customer's maintenance fees after the installation. Stainless steel and mild steel product to still exist in the market and it might even looks nicer because the material itself is flexible which allow them to have a lot of playful design. Based on my study, Stainless steel and Mild steel will caused lot of maintenance fees because they will often have problem such as rusted even stainless steel also will have the "rusty" issue. I will show you some sample

Spot on Stainless steel
Rusted Mild Steel Gate
You might think that the rusted wont be so serious as the photo showed above.
 But do think about the weather nowadays which is a natural damage that increase the speed of your gate to get rusty. If you have a dog or wander dog around your house who often pee on your gate also will increase the speed of getting rusty. So this is why Ezgate applied Fully Aluminum on their gate system  because aluminum 100% will not have rusty issue and it is a powder coated painting for their gate. Ezgate even warranty whole life for the rusty problem which showed their confident regarding the material that they are using is pure Aluminum.

some sample of Ezgate
2.) Trackless
Do you guys actually know if tradition folding gate actually require a track under the gate the gate will attach with a roller so it can actually move smoothly on the track when it open and close. But Ezgate has a TRACKLESS GATE SYSTEM. Look at the photo above, it only have one stopper in the middle of the gate , the stopper helps the gate locked well while the gate closed. Let me show you some photo before I explain why trackless is a good thing for us especially for household wife because they will understand this problem the most!

It is obviously right?!! Yes! Without track you wont face much problem during the cleaning process like the dust or leaf stuck on your track and you need to do a lot of stupid step to swipe out all the dust but you hardly able to 100% clean it because it always there. And the next thing is the roller will spoil anytime which will cost you lot of money and time for whole process because it require welding process and more. There are reason that roller will spoil such as unstable track due to time or natural damage, unbalance gate system due to time which cause alignment of the gate goes wrong.

3.) Trusted Brand and Good Service
Me and my neighbor are the user of this Ezgate, their service is good:
- neat installation( no heavy process such as welding)
-fast installation (4hours-5hours)
-after sales service is good ( they have standby team to service you when you needed)

I used to have a gate from my contractor but when the gate has problem, no one will willing to serve me because it might be very troublesome and cant earn profit for them so they wont come and service us. but Ezgate is different, they always has a professional standby customer service team that can settle the customer problems or question.

4.) Low Maintenance
This is very important point because I dont like to use a product that has a lot of problem after I bought it. Like I mentioned, Fully aluminium gate wont get rusty and Ezgate applied Powder coating painitng which helped me to reduce the problem of the painting. Thus, I wont face the problem like roller damage then it take 1-2 days to fix it(might be longer if the person in charge not coming). Ezgate really different because they have standby team for the service. There is one more thing that Ezgate is good in it! I will share this point in the next point so continue read!!!

5.) Unique Technology
The first thing that I can say regarding technology is their Patented technology, Two point arm support. This is their patented technology where it helps the process of opening and closing more smoothly and stable. I had seen some other Trackless Gate in the market but they are not stable at all because they cannot open the gate smoothly.The reason is because they are not able to copy the technology that had been patented by Ezgate itself.

Other than that, the 360 adjustable bearing. What is bearing?
Look at the red color circle, that one is call bearding. Traditional gate's bearing will be something like this where they install the bearing directly into the pillar. But let me ask you a question... how if the alignment of the gate goes wrong in future due to weather? How if the bearing get rusty? The answer will be you need to uninstall the whole gate which take a heavy process such as welding, it will take half day to take down, 3-5 days for the repairing another day for installation which take 1-2days. After whole this process, the person who do this will charge you the whole service with high amount.

 But how Ezgate different?
Ezgate has his own unique manufacturing bearing which allow them to adjust the gate anytime. If one day the gate alignment goes unstable, we just need to call the Ezgate service team and they will come and serve you within 1-2days(working day)!!!  And the adjusting process just need a technician and a screw and 10-30 minutes time to fix the problem. Which one worth it, traditional gate or Ezgate??? Think about it^^

Thus, they will install a L shape bracket on the wall with 12 wall plucks (normally traditional gate only have 2-4 wall plucks) it helps to increase the stability of the whole gate system. Since it is a manufacturing gate, the whole installation process only take 5-6 hours and without heavy process. (trust me, really super fast and very very clean , only some dusty during the small drilling process for the 12wall plucks but their technician has some technique to reduce the place get dirty)

Hahahaha OK!! Too much Information!!! Let see the unique design!!!

HAHAHAAHA very nice right? I will not recommend something that is not good to you all~~~ hahahaha, but for more technical question i think you guys contact their person in charge better, I will share their official webpage and contact number below^^.

If you guys really interested can visit their official website:
Official website: www.ezgate.com.my
or you can contact the person in charge:

Kevin 0163375922
Edwin 0192158804

Tuesday 12 July 2016

How To Download Pokemon Go in Malaysia? (IOS)

HOHOHOHO this few weeks everyone is crazy talking about the new crazy APPS " POKEMON GO" !! Let go to the Topic but this version only available for IOS user.

First step:

what you need to do is go into this website( no virus) and download the apps of "pokemon Go"
* you may restart your iphone if the apps didt start download even you clicked installed. Restart your phone and follow the same step will make your pokemon's dream come closer againXD

Second Step:
After finishing download your "pokemon go" apps on your Iphone,


Once you clicked Device Management you will saw the apps " Pokemon GO", click it and press Trust this Application and then press the "Home" Button.

Last Step:
Magic boom!!! Click the apps and start register an account with you gmail account. Let go catch your pokemon!!!!!!!

*If you want to catch Pikachu, please do not catch any of the 3 pokemon at first which are the bulbasor, squirel, and also chamender. Walk out from the square and you will find your cute Pikachu^^

Good Luck guys, have fun with your Pokemon GO!!!

Sunday 19 June 2016

Movie Review: Conjuring 2

Conjuring 2 is a disappointment for me, I used to has hope on this movie because I love horror movie very much and conjuring 1 is very good.

The story line is quite confusing, what I mean confusing is the whole story mostly is inrelated. For example, the Nun come from??? And why he needs to go to find the people who can kill him? It is funny when it had been stated as a demon and he go and tell the people who can kill him about his own weakness which is his own name.

Thus, the whole movie I feel it more like a resident evil instead of horror movie. I will give an extra mark because it is a real life story which translate to a movie. Somehow, i think the story line is not so good because they do not want to change too much of the real life story, they are trying to make it stick to the origin of the story line. Somehow, I think that this movie is quite funny instead of scary. So far the scary part only 1-3 scene so dont expect too much from this movie

I rate 1.5/5 for this movie. Really hope it can work it better in conjuring 3.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

How to build good relationship with your colleague or friends ?

How to build good relationship with your colleague or friends?

     Did you encounter some situation where you told your friend to approach you whenever they face any problems but they never approach you because they will approach another person?? Did you ever encounter why people always date your friend out but you are not in the list???

1.) be a good listener 
   Lot of times, we tend to be over confident or cut off while your friend is trying to share his problems. This action will actually caused one problem where your friend might feel you are not listen to them because you talk more than them even he is the one who suppose to share his unhappiness to you.

2.) say something good bout others, make your life better
    How many times you had complain this and that? Did you actually say something good bout others??? Think about it, if someone praise you.... What you feel? If someone insult or joke with you... What will u feel even u know it is a joke?

3.)Dare to admit your weakness and understand what is your strength
   Remember what is your weakness and dare to admit what your mistake is, at the same time use your strength to cover it up your weakness so you will not become the weak one at least you will gain some respect from the people around you.

4.) Don't be "yesman"
    Always accept everything offered by others not always a good choice even it is a good intention, learn when to say no is very important... Remember everything goes will be back.

Thursday 10 March 2016

things that affect couple breakup

1.) Technology
   A high-technology centuries, it not only change the word but it also change the behavior of human. Think about it, how long you didt look what it is around you? Yeah, all those wifi, phone technology is one of the killer of a relationship.  I had seen lot couple they hang out together but their sight always with their phone, I always feel curious on what is the point the come out? I not really like to press my phone while I dating unless it is important because I appreciate the time with my love. So stay away from our phone and talk to the one in front of you before you lost him/her.

2.) Social Apps
    What is social apps? What I refer to is all those wechat, whatsapp, line and more. Lol to be honest, sometimes i feel a lot of people can be use all those function as an advantages to being flirt. For example, wechat has the function of people nearby or shake nearby, sometimes i even received "special service" invitation from time to time. So the man or woman who cant control their desire might easily get attracted away. And once "they tasted the meat, they wont eat vegetable"

3.)Love quotes
   Lol, I think this one lot of male should understand what I mean, I am sure you aware about this also where you can see lot of love quotes thats sound like very nice. All those thing they say really accurate and it is like they are really professional in love a, or anything else regarding love, so when you as a boyfriend didt do the thing it mentioned in the quote, problems come..... What i mean problem comes is like he/she will think maybe she/he dun like me anymore, or yeah i perverse better and more depends on which kind of stupid quote.

4.) Horoscope
   Oh my god, I hate this thing also, sometimes some people that trusted this horoscope thingy they will gone crazy like it specific a certain horoscope is a bad guy or a certain horocrope are the most loyal one to girlfriend, so when they realize their partner is not in the list. .... come liao, problem comes.... fight...... alot of thinking coming such as, it is he/she has an affair?

Hahaha in conclusion, if you love a person, stay what you love, instead of believin in anything else, just believe in what you had experienced with your love^.^ And I wish you all can have a long long love relationship, if not, I hope you find your love one soon!!^^ Just comment below if you have anything to add on^^

BY: KelvinMelody