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Monday 30 June 2014

Demon or Angel?

Do you people believe? or Did you ever feel that you have two personalities?
I categories it becomes two groups which are the Demon and Angel.
It is simple to understand because all of us know what Demon symbolize, what Angel symbolize.

I define the Angel as the bright side of ourselves, the good side of yours, it mostly guide you to do something good. 
How about Demon? It is the opposite side of the bright side, the darkness side of ourselves, it mostly guide us to do something bad.

Basically, this is what I imagine. Above photo shows that, there are half Angel and Half Demon of ourselves. Do you believe that? So, if it is real, do you realize which one is the real you?
The Demon Or The Angel?

Most of the times, we wish we are the Angel, but Demon are strong which it cans attracts and control us through our desire. What to you think about Demon? When it will comes out? 
Most of the times, Demon comes out WITHOUT you notice about it.

I believe that, the Demon comes out when we have the desire. Other than that, there are one more situation where the Demon start to take over you, ourselves. When???? The moment we have no HOPE, the moment we are having stress, depress. It is easy for Demon to take over ourselves if we give up easily. There is only one thing you can defeat the Demon in your darkness side, which is YOURSELF.

So now here is the question, which one will help us to become a better person? The dark side or the bright side?

Here is my answer, you are who you are, Bright side or the Dark side? Who cares? If you able to control the Dark side of you, you also can make it as a weapon of yourself,"

When I talk about weapon, it doest mean that it necessary to hurt people, but  it is a weapon that make you to become better, and help You to overcome every hardships you faced.

So what is your answer? The DEMON or ANGEL?


Tuesday 3 June 2014

My Gecko 2

So, as I promised, today I will introduce all of my geckos!!!! ok, let start one by one>.<! The first one I would like to introduce the one who just give me a surprise!
See, this is what I saw this morning, this is a very wonderful egg, she had lay a egg before this, but i dunno why the egg was broken and the egg was smaller too, but this time it looks perfect( the egg).
So this is the SHTC gecko, I haven give them name but will try to give them name one by one as soon as possible. He looks skinny because he dont like to eat mealworms, he only eat crickets. I am trying to pump him to become bigger size.


This is a fierce one, the first day I got him, he looks very scare and agressive, but he looks better and feeling comfortable after few days i fed him>.< He is fierce but i like it cause it is cool.

Snow Templer (female)
 This is a female gecko, look nice right? I hope she will produce a good next generation hehe, I love it skin color~~ cool, but dunno why she dont wnat to eat for some times dy, I guess she still haven get used to the environment....

mack snow bell snake eyes (female)
   This is one of my favourite, she had a snake eye, cool, she is trying to escape from it place when I am trying to take photo of others. Escape plan fail XD.

She looks skinny because she just lay eggs, will feed her crickets or dubias in order to make her fatter again, thanks to her>.< she is a good mom!

MACK SNOW(female)
 This is a female, there are two eggs inside her stomatch now, thats why she looks fat , she is going to be mama soon, waiting for her to lay her eggs.

 I have 4 juvias, in this photo it looks bigger, dont get scam by the photo hahaha, this is the biggest oe actually, his skin color is changing to the awesome color soon thats why there are some yellow dots all over its body, this is a male one.... the other three still unknown about the sex

 This is a male mack snow, he is father already because the previous female mack snow pregnant because of him, he is good in sex hahahahahah JKJKJK

This is male super snow, he is going to become father soon too, the eggs still inside his "wife" stomatch, hope everything will be fine and produce good product hehehe.
They all are awesome right? Actually I also will confuse about their types sometimes, hehehe they all are in good condition and good quality^^ Dont be afraid of them, they are beautiful in their own ways^^ hehehehehehe

Email: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com

Sunday 1 June 2014


Hi, I am back^^ I stopped blogging for few days because of a campt I had joined,"IFILM MAKING CAMP" where happened in INTI NILAI UNIVERSITY( a University that i study at) It was an amazing camp.

I am a normal committee in this camp I would like to thanks all the committee members and all the facilitators and helpers who helped us to make this event succeed . They all doing well and they put all efforts even it was tiring>.<

Haha, I know some of the people do not like to read words, they will only view my blog only if there are alots of photos based, so I will show some of the photos that taken by photographers before I write more about this event, The interesting story will be written after all this photos^^

 So bassically, this all all the committees members in this "IFILM MAKING CAMP" This photo taken after all the campers went back>.<

This is the welfare team and some of the helpers and facilitators! hahaha really thanks them because they are the group of people that arranging all the foods and drinks for us>.< !! Thanks!

The person who stand in front is the head of PROGRAM MASTER!
thanks to all of the people in this photo also hehehehe

I was like" JOEVY let's take a photo" then she was like"ignore".

This guy was funny, we dont know each other before this event, but we become like brother just in two days! hahahaha thanks to this camp again, this is his own pose! "RED WINGS" anyway his name is RINGO! (If not mistaken)

Actually there are more photos in this event, but I am not the photographer so I just uploaded some of the photos where my photographers had uploaded.

So let talk about the things that I remember in this event( it will be quite long i guess)

It happened on 31may 2014, the first day of the camp. Lucky the OC(organizing chair person) called me ( but she told me she call wrong people) because without her call, I guess I was still sleeping even when the campers reached. I was tired because of previous days, I prepare and work hard for the event until very late with the members and i Did not sleep for few days too. But the funny thing is, Me and Man chun( my best friend in INTI) was discussing that we will meet at mamak stall to have our break fast 7am but at the end both of us overslept.

I can remember that I was just rushing time and run to the place where we should gather, actually this camp was quite tiring but at the end, everything went very well, it better than I expected.

In this camp, I found out that there are still alot of things that I can learn because I learnt alot in this event,

1. I sleep while the speaker was giving a talk( but I sleep at outside)
2.The food is nice!
3. All the members are tired and some of them fall a sleep with me when the speaker was giving talk
4. Station games were fun
5. a chubby camper fall down and injured
6. met some cute campers that have different personalities and character
7. Getting know more about some of the members such as their experiences, attitude, character
8. sibeh tired
9. very tired
10. super tired

Lastly, I would like to thanks again all of the members!! hahaha this camp was really veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery fun and happy. We all are an actors in this camp because I saw the tears, I heard the laughter , I saw people angry, yeah!  Life is just like a movie>.<

(Is a good thing to have rest, but NEVER stop learning)

email: kelvinmelody94@gmail.com